Search Results
Ever tried searching the issue at the forum? A simple search has came up with a helpful solution: Quote: 1. Open pawno.exe ( Make sure you open the same pawno that contains all your stuff...
Show me the code after a player enters his password and pressing on the continue button in the dialog. (It might be as well the loading process [if it's not written properly])
That's because you're checking if the player is an admin AFTER showing him how to use this command... Код: COMMAND:explode(playerid, params[]) { if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminLevel] > ...
Код: public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart) { // issuerid is the one who caused the damage - playerid is the "victim" OnPlayerDeathEx(playerid, ...
Show me the CreateGate() function.
We can't guess why it won't update without looking at the logs.. Check the mysql_log.txt file to see if it failed or not... And if so, copy it to here.
Код: LogPromotions(playerid, targetid, vipLevel, bool: promotion = false) { new File:file; if(!fexist("promotion_logs.txt")) // name of the file you want => will be created under scriptfiles ...
Just create a function to return a helper rank name depending on his helper level as below. pawn Код: stock GetHelperName(playerid){     new name[10];     switch(PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelper...
Did you created the event system already? If no, look for event scripts on how-to.
Have you tried debugging the SELECT query? (check log to see what name passed through the query itself) Quote: Originally Posted by anou1 PS: How can I spawn a player with his last positi...
AFAIK you could set a custom distance if you alter the playertags with 3D texts (disable the native playertags and set a custom 3D text instead).
How did you defined the vent vehicles at first? (it's a rough example) pawn Код: new vehicles[10];// on event creation assign array to vehicleidsfor(..) {     vehicles[x] = ++a;}// on respawn ...
I don't know what is the purpose of the enum PlayerHaul, but I believe it has something to do with players? pawn Код: if(PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pHeroin] < PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]) pawn КоÐ...
I don't know what 'SDZ' was supposed to be in the first place, but try this: pawn Код: new Awankz[1];new Tyler[1];
I can't see 'SDZ' definition anywhere.. Looks like you haven't defined that yet.
Anything came up in the mysql logs?
Why looping throughout every player whenever a player disconnect? OnPlayerDisconnect gets 2 parameters whenever a player quits playing in the server, the first is his ID and the second is the reason ...
Quote: Originally Posted by pds2k12 At the first look of your cool it looks confusing because, you can't the name when player connects to the server, your code should look something like t...