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I've used OVH services for the past 2 years, dedicated servers, cloud servers, and vps's.
The unique downside of OVH is that they only support 24/7 support by calling OVH canada.
Besides that, some t...
I'll start working on a new releaase of SAMPHP, however this will be my last updated on this plugin, or anything else I've done for SA:MP.
I'll be updating this plugin since I keep getting private me...
I ain't going to buy anything.
If the black friday was done day 2 for example, I would buy.
Doing the black friday when most of the people haven't received the salary is a crap.
Originally Posted by amirm3hdi
So plugins are not supported? How about a filterscript to handle them?
Filterscripts are supported, but PHP has no "direct contact"(By this, i mean...
Originally Posted by TwinkiDaBoss
So you can use samp natives in it normaly too? Also does it support streamer?
Since the very first version, done by lapayo, the plugin had issue...
I'm not sure if the version uploaded has support to table "like" dialogs.
This plugin needs a update for sure, I'll try to do a update in the upcoming days.
It's sad that nobody else picks on this p...
Does your asus has space and the connector for another HDD/SSD?
If so, All you have to do is to install your operating system in the SSD, and a few programs.
Use the HDD for the rest of the softwares...
Install the locales on the server, it might work afterwards.
Use the following command:
locale-gen <language><.<charset>>
Example utilization:
locale-gen pt_PT
# o...
PHP код:
<a href="samp://">CLICK HERE TO PLAY!</a>
Too late... heh.
Originally Posted by vassilis
P.S:How to resize images?
P.S(2):It's my first work so be kind to me i am trying to be better. Any feedback would be appreciated.
You can perform re...
I do not have time to update this plugin, since it will take up to 3 - 4 hours to fully update it, this is, if not more.
Not counting with the PHP compilation I need to execute before proceeding to th...
--- NVM, foi respondido acima.
I am no longer updating this plugin, and the future updates are canceled/postponed(There is a possibility that I, later, might update this plugin without the framework, so people can develop their own...
Using this internet to work.
At least it's better than the ADSL+2 line, which I get 7.5Mb/s download and a miserable 0.8Mb/s upload.
Originally Posted by Godly
I am not born in UK that makes me an immigrant?
Do you have British citizenship?
If not, you're an immigrant.
If so, you're not an immigrant.
As long ...
Originally Posted by Alex Magaсa
- You can't develop an android app alone.
Your argument is invalid.
A OVH irб sempre pedir os documentos de identificaзгo desde do momento que estejam a comprar de um paнs no qual a empresa nгo tкm escritуrios.
Jб comprei vбrios servidores(virtuais e dedicad...
I had performed a update in the last days to the plugin after the donation I had received and the request I had to continue the development of it.
I will release an update for the plugin in a new thr...
Originally Posted by ev0lution
4 GB of RAM is absolutely fine for GTA V
In fact, it's not.
I've got a I5, with a nvidia gt 740M, and when I was with 4GB ram, GTA V after a while ...
Originally Posted by NviDa
Can't unblock it.Nothing pops up when I right click.
So your sure its actually not a spyware right?
Just a glitch/bug(?)
My AV keeps blocking it with...