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That doesn't work either, but I will check out y_ini. Any good tutorials you know of?
When I joined the server crashed 0.o Nothing about it in the server log either... Is there a plugin similar to Dini that is simpler? I thought I had heard of something at one point.
I am trying to get it so if you join the server and you don't have a save file it will create one, but it doesn't work. Код: public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { M_OnPlayerConnect(playerid); ne...
I am trying to send a message to a player when they enter the ambulance (416) But when I enter the ambulance I get no message. Код: public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger) {...
Quote: Originally Posted by Joe Staff Out look grim. More like a magic 8-Ball already an 8-ball fs looks good i guess
This kicks a player if he even enters a vehicle and your sendclientmessage is screwed up ,wtf man
Quote: Originally Posted by FUNExtreme You have to use SetTimerEx (clicky) Click the link and watch the example, if you can't find it out. Ask for more help. ty, i just needed the func...
Okay, So i know that to make a variable only affect one player you would pawn Код: new hamburger[MAX_PLAYERS]; BUT how would i do something like this with timers I want it to only affect one pla...
i its not pawn, why on pawno forums anyway looks cool tho i will use maybe
wrong section looks good anyways
wait, are you using ALL of the stuff in the parentheses of addplayerclass -.-