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Quote: Originally Posted by Mauzen camhack is for moving the camera, not for recording. So you dont have to choose between fraps OR camhack. My bad, I thought the .cleo one (Camhack), s...
Well, I use fraps, I once tried SA Camhack, it was good, you can also use it. But, I use fraps, and further I edit the video with Song Vegas Pro, and everything goes perfect and smooth. We can only gi...
Quote: Originally Posted by Diabloa Happy new year to everyone. Dreams? What is a dream? A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind. :P
Happy New Year to all the members of SA-MP forums. My wish is to beat the 1st ranker (girl) in my class, and get 1st rank in my class.
You need 15 reps now, to advertise your server. Help people, and get 15 reps, and BAM! You can advertise your server! Only 3 more reps to go.
Quote: Originally Posted by Accent Eye Specialist needed! This is a "Everything and Nothing" board meaning all threads are not necessary to be SAMP Related. So,I guess you got your answer,...
It's "SA-MP" forums, not Clash of Clans, you can do it in other forums also, why SA-MP forums?! lol. Make a clan at a specific teamspeak server, thats why TS is created lol. Use TS, instead of posting...
Re-install SA-MP along with GTA SA.
Quote: Originally Posted by LivingLikeYouDo So true @Mauzen. And umm, DM and derby in roleplay.... :facepalm: It's like mixing water in the petrol! xD O.T: @Mauzen - Yea! We need to e...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kenway Well, Its pretty possible.. Because the launcher will obtian new gta files.. That i'll inject... By the injection I'll able to add new stuff to gta and s...
Sounds cool, hmm. *thinks about possibility* (It isn't allowed)
PingPerfect SmartBytes LLC.
Simple Weapon Dialog. Info:- When you spawn it shows you a dialog with two weapons packages Package 1 : Shawn-OFF Shotgun, UZI, Desert Eagle, AK47. Each weapon with 5000 bullets. Package 2 : MP5,...
Quote: Originally Posted by UltraScripter nice map but you could add more things Suggestions are always appreciated, go ahead. You can always suggest, what to add?
Multi 24/7 Screenshots:- Код: CreateObject(19354, 665.97980, -1894.57581, 485.37051, 0.00000, 90.00000, 0.00000); CreateObject(19354, 665.98444, -1897.78687, 485.37051, 0.00000, 90.00000...
512 A quick ******! :P Check this thread, for more info.