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Tried checking 'maxnpcs' in your server.cfg file?
Quote: Originally Posted by Twisted_Insane Nice include! Thanks mate Quote: Originally Posted by costel_nistor96 Looks nice, sir. ;P I am grateful to you, sir! Quote:...
Here's a very simple example using ZCMD and sscanf. You can expand it to your needs if you like. pawn Код: new Respect[MAX_PLAYERS];CMD:giverespect(playerid, params[]){    new id, resp;    if...
I suggest you use GameTextForPlayer instead of textdraws. It's easier and you don't have to create anything. Here's an example: pawn Code: public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid){    switch...
Quote: Originally Posted by Phyrunx Are the Button Clickable Btw its a Awesome Include i Will surely Use it If the Button's Are Clickable Of course they are clickable, why else would I ...
I hope this will help: pawn Код: CMD:pu(playerid, params[]){    new targetid, seatid;    if(sscanf(params, "ui", targetid, seatid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Usage: /pu ...
On your filterscripts folder you should have a file called pirateship.pwn which comes with the server. Open it and read it. That does exactly what you are looking for.
Or you can enable it by adding this OnPlayerConnect: pawn Код: TogglePlayerClock(playerid, 1); It will enable the normal clock from single-player. Might not be synced for all players but it work...
Quote: Originally Posted by Toreno I knew someone would have make such an include, it's so obvious. Which is, very useful! Good job, SpiritEvil. Thank you, I appreciate that I'm glad t...
Updated to Version 1.1, enjoy The following is added: pawn Код: /*       +++++++++++++++++++++++ | Cahgnge Log | ++++++++++++++++++++++++                                   Â...
Try this to reset the values: pawn Код: PlayerTextDrawDestroy(Txt1);PlayerTextDrawDestroy(Txt2);_:Txt1 = 0;_:Txt2 = 0;
Of course you can. When a textdraw is created they just hold an integer value which is returned after the textdraw is created. If you want to test this try the following code: pawn Код: new Playe...
Check your "format" line again and make sure it's same as mine because I use the same method to detect online admins and it works perfectly fine.
Try resetting the values of Txt1 and Txt2 manually after the Textdraw is destroyed.
Any screenshots of what does it show? I'm pretty sure it should work...
Here you go pawn Код: new str[500], name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)    {        if(Player[i][Family] == Player[playerid][Family])        {          Â...
Quote: Originally Posted by Dripac but i added them with CreateVehicle, they're in-game xD but anyway i fixed the problem. Well, since you said the method was working with the rest of ...
271 Код: Important Note: Trains can only be added with AddStaticVehicle and AddStaticVehicleEx. I guess trams are considered as trains too. Maybe that ca...
Unless they download the textures manually, it's not possible.