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You can use something like %02d with format/printf. Have a look here:
Quote: Originally Posted by Ahmad45123 I don't know how to compile it as I never used C++ before, However I think I may drop this link here, As far as I know he says that the line limit is...
You need to loop through rows and fetch them, all what you were doing is fetching row ID 0 only. pawn Код: stock LoadHouses(){    new LoadHouseQuery[50];    format(LoadHouseQuery, sizeof(Load...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kar So how does the new OnTrailerUpdate work? how often is it called anyone? I'm not home and no gtaa so I can't test atm. It basically gets called whenever...
You can use Sockets to make a communication between the SA-MP server and your VB app.
Quote: Originally Posted by Potassium 3z and whichever one implemented the awesome clickable textdraws, I think it was 3x. As i remember it was 0.3e. OT: I vote for 0.3z, lag compensat...
Quote: Originally Posted by NaClchemistryK pawn Код: if(GetPlayerHealth(playerid) < 100) return SendClientMessage)playerid,-1,"must have 100 hp at least"); GetPlayerHealth doesn...
219 I really wonder when will you guys read sticky topics and the rules?
Quote: Originally Posted by iAnonymous Buy a genuine windows 7 CD ! DVD*
Quote: Originally Posted by cj101 If a server owner wanted to add a irc channel, they could add a "plugin" rhat would echo their chat to a irc channel. plugins are basically features that ...
Nice idea, at least for people who don't bother to code and just want a small server to enjoy with their friends or something. But i got a question, how do "Install Plugins" & "Remove Plugins" act...
AFAIK the parameters are: Code: samp.exe [host]:[port] [password] but i am unsure about player name.
Quote: Originally Posted by CyNiC pawn Код: [18/05/2014 11:52:48]    Error: Function not registered: 'YSF_AddPlayer'[18/05/2014 11:52:48]    Error: Function not registered: 'YSF_Re...
Quote: Originally Posted by iZN I'd prefer Github instead because: source code can be viewed, anybody can easily fork it and send pull request to improve/edit code, send issues, versions c...