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Originally Posted by X337
welcome back
Yo thanks man...
Originally Posted by JakeXxX
lol Mr.Tony how is ur wife.
Haha, i'll take a good care of her, besides...
Yo, guys what's up? I hope you all doing good.
Anyways, guys i was looking for new friends from German that play here in SA-MP, i would like to speak to anyone of them, if possible it's really urgent...
Yes, it's possible !!!
I recently have been searching Who am i ?! seriously, guys this questions have been asked by many many reasearchers and scientists through out the history and including the my...
I'm really wondering...what if there was a friend who never ever left sa-mp and was there always living in a server like 24/7 No connection in real life...
I have a big question to all of you and ho...
Originally Posted by Dice_
Why do you want it at the internet? A real-life grammar lessons is a much better.
Money? - My father don't have an Oil Field.. + I'm Jobless...and i sp...
Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
I'd say take grammar lessons. Write down the basics of spelling, verb conjugation, etc. and start learning just like you do in school.
Taking priva...
Originally Posted by iKarim
I expected one of your (amazing) threads, this one does not match the standards so I'll leave this here.
No offense Bro, but i'm not a comedian...
Originally Posted by Electron123
Stop reading grammar books or English stores the best way to improve your English is that you have to speak it. doesn't matter how bad would it be, ...
Originally Posted by iLearner
But you've bachelor's degree, we stand no chance to teach you.
I will try to go straight to get a PhD in the future but that doesn't matter. It's ju...
Seriously, guys i really wanna know how to improve it when trying to write a paragraph.
I mean what do i need ?
I heard people say grammar but where should i start it?
I have problems in ponctuation a...
Originally Posted by DTV
I don't know what you're expecting man, you're on a forum filled with kids and you want logical answers?
Look, people here are
- Programmers ( Some even...
Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
How about we learn to interact with a natural human being? You know....socialize 'n shit.
A highly intelligent machine that has the same capabiliti...
An A.I or Artificiel Intelligence is highly considйrer as one of the things that will change the world.
If we make а scientific experiment on a personne since birth we'll study all his behavor and ...
Recently, i can't sleep during nights...
So i felt like i had an obligation, i feel like i most leave something to pass on to the future generation. i never felt it's okay to come and go in a world wi...
Finally, it's over.
I managed to pass down the final semestre.
I finally got the Bachelor degree on Economic studies.
That's why i was far away this long....sorry.
You all are the first to know, even ...
Originally Posted by Luis-
It's just there's so many questions that you're asking.
Okay sorry... anyway if you ever made it to morocco, welcome we make good Tea's i can take to B...
Originally Posted by Luis-
You sound so fucking annoying right now. No wonder people block you on ********..
OT: I drink tea with milk & two sugar.
Whenever i try to care fo...
Originally Posted by magnitude
I have come across a recent revelation that not everyone drinks tea with milk. Madness!
We usualy use a glasse and poor some suger and drink it...
Originally Posted by KyleSmith
You kept calling her even after she told you to stop. No wonder she blocked you.
But it wrong if i call someone, i personaly..i wouldn't ...
Originally Posted by Infinity
No, this is not her fault. This is your fault, so don't blame it on the girl. You are waaaayyy too clingy.
What ? what are you saying ? I was just t...