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Quote: Originally Posted by vassilis Ohai Deathtone xD,thx man and btw mp2 convertffs is converting object to CreateObject..i want to make them CreateDynamicObject,is this thread of 0.3d s...
Set a timer to spawn the cars 2 seconds after the objects.
For CreateVehicle, change the 600 to the amount of seconds you want before it respawns if nobody is in it, in this case, change it to 120.
pawn Код: new Float:RandLSAirports[] ={    {2053.9658,-2493.7380,13.8293, -1303.8068,192.8536,14.4444, "Los Santos Airport to San Fierro Airport"},    {2053.9658,-2493.7380,13.8293, 1476.8574,...
Use a PVar and set it in your filterscript right after the NPC recording starts and have a timer in your gamemode where it checks if the PVar is a certain value and if it is, it calls a custom callbac...
Nope. EDIT: Just tried that and it works, appreciate it. I got another question, would I be using pawn Код: if(fexist("users/pie.ini")) or something else?
I'm currently trying to log everything into the logs folder but it wont let me do it. My log function is: pawn Код: Log(sz_fileName[], sz_input[]) {    new        sz_logEntry[156],      ...
Define the variable at the top of your script.
Check if the person's money has increased by however much you can win per game in the casino and set a timer so you can only get that money every 10 or so seconds so they could only get a certain amou...
Instead of that you can use Code: new ammototal[MAX_PLAYERS]; for(new i = 0; i < 12; i++) ammototal[playerid]+=ammo[playerid][i];
Change Code: new carguyid = playerid; to Code: carguyid = playerid; and you have to use the carguyid variable somewhere for it to stop the second warning or add Code: #pragma unused carguyid at...
Your strings are increasing the size. Try to make them as small as possible.
Код: dcmd_rav(playerid,params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3|| IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++) { for(new x = 0;...
Matz you should really fix shit on your own instead of having people do it for you. That's the easiest shit I've seen to fix.
If you want something scripted or want something fixed, post below with what you need.
I recently worked on a server for months now, but I do not know how to port forward! So if someone could please use teamviewer and help me out that would be great. You will even get admin spot