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Quote: Originally Posted by Kitten does this show in the console ? the thing about hte dynamic lybrari , hmm, a window pops out..
can anyone help me with this .. i got the dll and it is not working ... it says something aobut the dynamic lybrary.. and i was trying to get irc to my server...
whats ssleay32.dll? it says that it wasnt found ..
Cmon, pls take your time and read what my problem is...
Just to piss you guys off, ofcourse to pisss you off.
Does such function as DestroyPicup exist? or how can i destroy one ?
Can anyone mirror their plugins and filterscript and the includes..
Ok, look i downloaded the irc plugin the non ssl one for windows and the irc filterscript but i dont see anything to connect at the irc channel... i checked and double checked everything, and the irc ...
Well, i know, but i want the players to see the mins and hte seconds instead of looking at some seconds.. for going out of jail...
is there a function , to turn seconds into minutes and seconds ? lik if you have 321 seconds, to turn them into , 5.35 , 5 minutes ad 35 seconds .. so can anyone tell me how to start it off? just head...
A better saving system is ladmin, it has admin stuff, and it is very understandable.
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** I will shortly be releasing an update to my YSI class system. It is already available in the old system but not the new one yet. This has many advanced...
dudes.. you dont understand i added them, not to delete them .. but is there a function to reset them ?
ass you "addplayerclass..." how to removed it ? you know is there a functuion to remove it ? cuz it is causing me problems , i ahve a minigame server..
hmm, you know i classified the classes .. and to show the names of the class at the bottom, but the names get mixed up .. for example, when i did case 0: .. it shows the name of the case zero, and if...