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Quote: Originally Posted by Electrifying Does anyone here can send me the link of ps-format? Is it still useful to this day? Took me literally one search to find it, on the second last ...
The ganid / factionid isn't the index so you got the wrong entry pawn Code: format(str, sizeof(str), "Your gang %s has taken over a territory not belonging to any gang", GetFactionName(ZoneInfo[i][Zo...
Quote: Originally Posted by Electrifying What _: Means? Why and when should I use it? It is somewhat explained here -> But to make it sh...
you can use a little trick to make it faster and shorter
your third if statment isn't under your first if statment, so aVar[61] can be -1 in your third if statement, either use brackets or only put one statment under a bracketless if statement pawn Code: ...
It is enough to include the file you want PHP код: #include <rotation_extra>  But the strange thing is the error, is it the only one? If it failed to include the main file "rotatio...
Quote: Originally Posted by Ermanhaut Reading a few topics about optimization i've found 'Char-arrays': pawn Code: new playerName[MAX_PLAYERS char][MAX_PLAYER_NAME];GetPlayerName(playerid...
Quote: Originally Posted by Pottus Try this. Fire A weapon Get the origin / hitpoint of the shot Use Subtract the result this from camera front ve...
but the seperator isn't on 5,10,15 it is on index 4,9,14, so you should do pawn Код: if(i % 5 == 4) also I am unsure why you used a switch instead of an if pawn Код: new rand = random(36);// s...
rotations v2 I rewrote the include because they were to many different function which did similar things, so I combined them into CombineRotation, ConvertRotation, GetRotation, ReverseRotation, Rotat...
do you use that array somewhere else?, in your example you could put the text (with the correct formation) directly into Dialog_Show
no just once, like 1d arrays PHP код: fPay[11], 
Quote: Originally Posted by priit123 So in save in need to change the "fpay1" to "fpay[1]" ? PHP код: // array starts at 0 instead of 1, so it is 0-10 instead of 1-...
I see no major problem, so no clue but some minor problems PHP код: CMD:facpay(playerid, params[]) {     // ...     // you can combine the amount checks     if(amount >Â...
You are recreating the prevStatus variable inside the loop, therefore it is always 0, create it outside / before the loop Additionally you can move your "if(prevStatus != status)" statement after the ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Lunoxx I have problems only with X, Y position, I think i know how to get the Z coordonate. What can I find X and Y? if you got your x and y of your magnet ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Pottus But Nero he needs the rotation of the magnet since it is attached to objects the real world rotation of that magnet needs to be calculated through the at...
Could you give us your createobject lines, to lazy to look up the modelids And the _lnx part is kind of unnecessary Quote: Originally Posted by Lunoxx EDIT: _lnx because I saved in this f...
Quote: Originally Posted by pawn -ang.pdf warning 219: local variable identifier shadows a symbol at a preceding level A local variable has the same name as a global variable, a function, ...
Like Southclaw said but that doesn't stop you from using it pawn Code: new Float:pos[3];static const Float: _pos[sizeof pos] = {-888.6017,1515.5992,26.2831}; // static is you use it locallypos = _pos...