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can i use something like this or it will cuz a bug on npc ? (spawn 4 npc with the same fs ?) ConnectNPC("PlayerA","idle"); ConnectNPC("PlayerB","idle"); ConnectNPC("PlayerC","idle"); ConnectNPC("Play...
so i made a point war to capture it i put in top Код: new StartWar=2*60; new PointCount=0; Код: CMD:cap(playerid, params[]) { capture[playerid]=1; } and a time count Код: SetTimer("cap1"...
hi are there any ways to detect player if he is laggy(to be 100 percent sure if hes lag)so admin do not misunderstand him as a health hacker i made /hh id , it will blow up a player and lose his h...
yes i searched all of SetPlayerMapIcon and they were only 88
i made 88 SetPlayerMapIcon but i when i made 89 mapicon it wont show the limit is 100 right ? Код HTML: SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 89, -2494.6548,-33.9137,25.7656, 45, 0);
hi i want to if statment Detect if player is not freezed and then do all things but this code will freeze the player :/ Код HTML: dcmd_anim(playerid,params[]) { #pragma unused params if...
i want show like when u press /players its shows like player1,playerb,player3 player4,playerc,player5 Код: dcmd_players(playerid,params[]) { #pragma unused params new string[128]; for...
so i copied an anti weapohn hack , it works good ( when hacker bring a gun and use it in his hands it will detect him ) and it have complete server side weapon Код: stock ServerWeapon(playerid,w...
do i need put return to this if statement ? Код: public OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid) { if(CheckPoint[playerid] ==1) { if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SendClientMessage...
i want GetSkin get all skin exept 280 , 288 , 286 on death event but when im in skin 280 or 288 or 286 then i want to change class(f4 then die) and select other skins on spawn it will set my skin to...
hi etc i want destory all objects were created and all of them were id 1225 then how to destory all those objects with the same id ? Код: for(new i; i<MAX_OBJECTS; i++) { if(IsValidO...
hi can you help me with this i want to know how i save player name in Variable like Poin1= Player Name and then load it , and event player is disconnect but i want to load last point onwed name a...
Код: new string[128]; for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)){ format(string, sizeof(string), "%s(%d)~n~",PlayerName(i),i); ...
How to get each player cash and collet them ? Quote: new GetEachPlayerCash= BankCash[i]/100; etc if playerA:GetEachPlayerCash[playerid] is -500 and playerB:GetEachPlayerCash[playerid] i...
hi , problem is if you type /load asdm , it will show checkpoint other issue is i want if i type /load legal give me 5000 cash etc and /load ilegal , gives 4000 Код: dcmd_load(playerid,params[]...
brawrr WTF !!!! i dont want to pickup create in gamemode i wanted on death !!!!
thanks for reply but no its not working its shows me the same action really im confused its must work fine ! but its n
i made 2 pickup the first pickup is like burger entrance and the other pickup if player dead it will create pickup (money icon) so my problem is if even player goto burger shot entrance it will say u ...