Search Results see the timer going down so slow and the time below counting really slow
Can an administrator move this to support.. I think I put this in the wrong section.. It's nothing wrong with the coding, but instead when I move the gamemode on different hosts the timers mess up. ...
Hey on my server it has a timer that takes like double as long as it should. instead of counting down from 5 seconds it takes like 10 seconds counts down twice as slow. its only on this host im using...
Your server would have been a lot more unique if you used this!
SAMP is a place to meet new individuals and make new friends while giving you the opportunities to explore new religions, learn new languages, and teaches you the ways of being able to associate with ...
Well, I couldn't find it in the script. Thanks though. :d
How do I fix this? Код: C:Desktop\Pawno\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "udb_hash" Desktop\Pawno\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "u...
Well, I don't know their forum from the heart. I would usually access their forums from their webpage.
Have you ever heard of websites using a "Down Time" webpage to inform us of their unexistance for a certain time lapse? Usually if a website has "downtime" they will usually inform you with a webpage ...
Can anyone access Volt-Host? I, myself, tried accessing to the main website and it continues to reconnect and finally displays a "Page Does Not Exist". I asked one of my friends if he could help and h...
Yeah, make more dm maps, they look sick
Maybe use the same thing that you used for detecting vehicle airbreak, except don't use the vehicle lines: pawn Код: if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0) And use the rest in: pawn Код: p...
Don't forget to add: pawn Код: forward Count(); This goes above: pawn Код: Public Count()
I have every script to use to make a textdraw. I tested and it compiled, it's just that my textdraw is displaying black. pawn Код: Away = TextDrawCreate(558.000000, 99.000000, "(AWAY)");     Te...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kakioshe22 PHP код: TextDrawColor(Away, 0x00CCCCCC);  Change 0x00CCCCCC to any color you want Lol Stop spamming, if you would have actually tes...
Can anyone help me? Is there anything I didn't do?
I made a textdraw and the color won't ever work, it stays black. pawn Код: Away = TextDrawCreate(558.000000, 99.000000, "(AWAY)");    TextDrawBackgroundColor(Away, 255);    TextDrawFont(Away,...
Tested, and it works great. Thank you very much Ensconce.