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pawn Код: public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid){    new Random = random(sizeof(MdmSpawns));    new r = random(sizeof(RandomPistol));    new r1 = random(sizeof(RandomAssault));    new r2 = random(...
tell us what are the errors and its lines so we can help
Try this one, it will randomize between every available vehicle, including (baggage/luggage) trailers and RC vehicles. pawn Код: if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/car", true)){    if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid...
Try checking if is there anyone in the vehicle at all (a basic player for loop or foreach + IsPlayerInVehicle) and, if so, only then destroy the vehicle Or the post below if this doesn't work
To make it loop change the fifth parameter to 1, to make it run only once change it to 0, look at the underlined numbers in these examples: Код: ApplyAnimation( playerid, "RAPPING" , "LAUGH_0...
Quote: Originally Posted by Gamer_Z @Gustavob, you made a mistake with GetPlayerHealt! My mistake, pardon.
Quote: pawn Код: format(string, sizeof(string),"%s Statistic's~n~NBTDM~n~Health:%d~n~Skin:%d~n~Money:%d~n~Class:%d",name,GetPlayerHealth,GetPlayerSkin,GetPlayerMoney,GetPlayerTeam); You ca...
Here, read the comments (//)after the lines pawn Код: 188:  { //The warning on this line is because you have a 'return' line before it, so the compiler will never reach the current line189:    ...
You're teleporting the vehicle and then the car, teleport just the vehicle instead pawn Код: if(strcmp("/tuning", cmdtext, true) == 0){    new Pveh;    Pveh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);  ...
Remove DestroyVehicle and the loops because they're unneeded AFAIK. If it doesn't work without the loops (i haven't coded for a long time so i dont remember exactly) just readd them. pawn Код: new...
You forgot a ; at the end of a line. pawn Код: public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]){    if (strcmp("/drylake", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)    {        SetPlayerInterior(playerid,0...
Silly me. pawn Код: CMD:changegravity(playerid,params[]){    new Float:gravity, string[128];    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminDuty] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GRAY,"Error: Y...
Quote: Originally Posted by Wesley221 Thats because '0.008' is a float, and not an integer. Change the 'else if(sscanf(params,"d",gravity))' to 'else if(sscanf(params,"f",gravity))' Al...
Quote: Originally Posted by [$]GhosTRydeR[$] E sei que tem um Tal de aHouse Muita gente comenta positivamente sobre ele. Mas procurei aki no forum e nгo achei (Jб vi um traduzido) ...
GameTextForPlayer: Код: GameTextForPlayer(playerid, texto, tempo de duraзao (milissegundos), estilo); GameTextForAll: Код: GameTextForAll(texto, tempo de duraзao (milissegundos), estilo); ED...
ali no #define GPS_GPS 500 muda o 500 pra qualquer coisa diferente q n esteja em uso tipo 5482
olha nгo estб ruim estб pйssimo /zoa mas o cmd pode ser abusado pros players ganharem 100 de vida entao vc deve fazer algo assim: Quote: topo: pawn Код: new Float:Vida[MAX_PLAYER...
ou entгo simplesmente adapta, faz um copypaste, e ao invez de checar se perdeu vida checa se perdeu colete e cria um pickup de colete no lugar do coraзгo
passa as linhas que vem antes desta linha, "warning unreacheable code" quer dizer que vocк tem alguma return mal colocada aн que faz com que aquele cуdigo nunca seja executado in-game pois nгo vai...
troca o ultimo SendClientMessage por SendPlayerMessageToAll(strval(escolherid), mensagem);