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Quote: Originally Posted by Logitech90 If i know how to use a gun,i don't forget how to shoot... Ok, so then maybe is not much that i know! :P any tips?
Hello, my name is Panos, i own a stunt/war samp server and i know a lot of things about scripting, but I have big problem scripting an RP server. I want to begin from scratch an RP server, but my know...
Guys i have a huge problem. I have a server on serverffs, all was good at the beginning, but now every time i add a new filterscript, the /pm is not working on my server, when i remove the filterscrip...
Quote: Originally Posted by niyaz Umm Try uninstalling and reinstalling samp Ok samp 0.3c We have try that but is the same thing again!
Quote: Originally Posted by niyaz Is it linux server ? he have problem with ALL Servers!! But the one of this is surely Linux server!
Ok, my friend have a big problem!! When he plays on a server (every server), all the time he get server restarting, but the serving doesn't restart, why? (There is times that he get 5 servers restarts...
Quote: Originally Posted by Panormitis Yes please! Please Any help? :/
Quote: Originally Posted by aRoach pawn Код: CMD:adv(playerid, params[]){    if(!strlen(params[0])) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Use /adv [message");    if(!IsPlayerInRa...
Quote: Originally Posted by Pharrel pawn Код: CMD:adv(playerid, params[]){    if(!strlen(params[0])) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Use /adv [message");    if(IsPlayerInRa...
Hello guys, i want to make a command that when someone is in RangeOfPoint that i will set, when he type /adv [message] ,a message <<[ADVERT] themessagehere>> will apear to all players and ...
I am trying to compile the AVS Car Ownershi filterscript but i get this error: Код: error 017: undefined symbol "GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint" : warning 203: symbol is never used: "playerid" : erro...
Hello guys, my /b command show the message global, how i can make it visible only for local chat? here is my current code: Код: if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/b", true, 2)) { if(!cmdtext[2])re...
Hello guys, how can i remove the chat characters limit? i mean that now, when someone type a big text, the text cut and the half text is missing, how to remove this? thanks
Quote: Originally Posted by iggy1 Here's a way, there is no need for a timer. You will need to edit make the "iLastRobbery" var an array and assign robbery shops ids to it. pawn Код: ...
Quote: Originally Posted by [Diablo] set the variable like robbed = 1; and then set the timer, which will set the robbed back to 0 after x amount of time. i didn't understand
guys how can i add a time limiter in this code? Код: public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/rob", true) == 0) // If they type /rob { if(IsPlayerInCheckpoi...
Ok, here is my problem, i have GarHouse system and there is a command /createhouse that can be used only from rcon login, can i make this command compatable on players that is level 4 on luxadmin syst...
Quote: Originally Posted by Riddick94 Few messages? random messages? one message at time? one random message every 10 minutes
Hello guys, how can i make an automatic message that will appear ine the chat every 20 minutes
Hello guys, i want a pawno code that when someone log in my server will appear a message in chat that will say "Playername has join the server" and when he log out it will say "Playername has left th...