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I just recently re-installed Windows XP, the same computer, nothing different except a new hard drive. All I did was format everything and start over because it was getting slow.Then I downloaded the ...
Well anywhere, just somewhere where it says "Containment Crew".
You seem to know what you're doing could you show me how to get text over the skin when in the character selection screen? pawn Код: AddPlayerClass(283,1709.1407,745.4641,12.6843,103.9314,27,50,31...
Quote: Originally Posted by [HiC TheKiller ] pawn Код: public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason){  SetPlayerScore(killerid, GetPlayerScore(killerid) + 1);  return 1;} Wasn't th...
I need a simple script that gives a player a point after every kill they get.
Can someone help me make a code for turning the players color green after they kill someone?
Oh. Well is there a way to take out the clerk in Ammunation so that no one can use Ammunation?
Quote: Originally Posted by [03 Garsino ] Can you show me how I would use that to keep ORANGE players out of AMMU? I'm a new script...
Is there a way to make it so that "ORANGE" colored players can't go into Ammunation?
How do I set it up as soon as a player joins the server their weather changes to [weatherid:32]?
If I'm not mistaken, wouldn't that make all the characters start off with a chainsaw?
I don't need the whole team system, I already have that part setup. I just need to give the player only a chainsaw after spawning.
I don't need the player's team to change, I just need to change the weapons they have.
I can't do the rest actually, I am a n00b scripter, I just have good ideas for my server.
After the player dies, I want to remove their current weapons and give them a chainsaw. (Zombie gamemode)
Hello, I am wondering how to disarm a player after they die, and then give them a chainsaw for a weapon. (Doesn't have to be a chainsaw, just an example.)
Cool, I am new, what is the color code for orange?
Thanks, its still under construction. I have a question, do you know how to change the players color, like their name color to orange after they die, and then send them a message something like "You a...
I am working on a zombie outbreak script, and I want the players name color to change to orange after death, and a message saying "You are now a zombie!", can I get some help?
You could always search for an LS roleplay script, I believe that I saw one earlier today. See if that fits your tastes.