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Quote: Originally Posted by StuartD Yes. Many people. Some of them came quite a long way to see me.. Kinda strange.. #JamSag Hi! I'm JamSag. Went to go and see MrD a few months back. ...
Looks like your problems within DynamicFactions[PlayerInfo[playerid][pFaction]][fType]. (Format ArrayName[Variable][Variable], your array is like ArrayName[Variable[Variable][Variable]][Variable] whi...
If you want to share information between your gamemode and a filterscript, you will have to use PVars. There is loads of information available on here about PVars, but I'd recommend that you look at ...
There are multiple ways of doing this, but the easiest to understand is probably to set a timer to run every one second (1000 milliseconds) and then to add one onto a global variable which will indica...
Its just the way it works in pawn, you cant create the same function twice in one gamemode without getting the "symbol already defined" error. The only way around it is to either rename the function ...
Well firstly I suggest that you don't bump your topic after five minutes of posting it. Secondly, you cant have two functions in your gamemode with the same name. In this case, you can simply merge ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Spookie98 Its a pretty good idea, if you need help with mapping, I can help you. About the NPCs, I don`t know exactly if there is any NPC Streamer right now but...
Quote: Originally Posted by Brucie_Saintz Actually, trying to work on something like this....xD<< Quote: Originally Posted by newbienoob Just like rp... walking arou...
Hey, I recently played on a 'Zombie Server' which i quite enjoyed - I've always played on a roleplay server and never thought that I'd be interested in SA-MP zombies. Anyway, all the 'Zombie Servers...
Add '' around the %d's and %s's. (cant remember what they're called :P) Example: format(Query, sizeof(Query), "UPDATE `users` SET money = '%d', score = '%d', noteOne = '%s' WHERE username = '%s'", ...
Quote: Originally Posted by playbox12 Also got one, funny thing they say don't refresh the page, so I did, got the key instantly. (I clicked a few times first, refreshed while I had to wai...
Hey, I cant think of a way to display results from MySQL when querying something like this: pawn Код: mysql_query("SELECT * FROM people WHERE age = '15'");mysql_store_result();/*Would i format i...
73 pawn Code: new veh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);if(IsTrailerAttachedToVehicle(veh)){    //They have a trailer}else{    //They don't ha...
Using 'LIMIT' limits the number of rows returned. In my opinion, LIMIT is only useful when selecting data from a mysql table. There is no point in limiting something which you know will only exist on...
SendClientMessage(playerid, color, const message[]) pawn Код: SendClientMessage(color, stringz); Would become: pawn Код: SendClientMessage(i, color, stringz);
Quote: Originally Posted by spedico No time to code it, but create a variable for all players. When player types the command, set the variable to 1 and start a timer that starts in 30 minu...
I'd do something like this: pawn Код: new progress, turfTimer;forward turfProgress(playerid);public turfProgress(playerid){//IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint, etc...    progress++;    new string[50]; ...
Try using a switch pawn Код: /* Make sure these are defined */#define PMDialog (1)#define PMSendingDialog (2)public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]){    swi...
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