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nope, I think that it is not "function" I want to give or else I do not understand .. give me an example with some part of my TextDraw?
Hello friends, I need help on a System I have all but as I TextDraw created to save what you have to save? Texts: I want to keep the level, and experience, by example (...
Te referis a los vendedores? no seria mas facil primero , tomar un gm base de teamdeathmatch y cambiar un team por zombies y configurarle el no uso de armas y de correr?
Hola gente de samp forum , no vengo a pedir nada material solo consejos.. їComo puedo empezar un server zombie? їPorque donde empiezo que pongo primero? їSeria mejor empezar con un Gm Base de Team...
to me , give me this waring.. pawn Code: C:\Users\Franco\Desktop\samp03csvr_R2-2_win32\gamemodes\Bk.pwn(9065) : warning 224: indeterminate array size in "sizeof" expression (symbol "maxlength") wha...
but the dialog no works.... :S look... pawn Code: #include <a_samp>#include <YSI\y_ini>#if defined FILTERSCRIPT#define DIALOG_REGISTER 1#define DIALOG_LOGIN 2#define DIALOG_SUCCESS_1 3#...
I use Y_INI for first time , and have this problem.... problems?? ps: I use it as fs
nop , still not working... would not be better if they tried it, so you see what I mean ie, the register dialog appears .. but when click on register him, stops working, does not create the file in t...
yeapp.. ^^ ends in Return 0; another idea?
in this FS.. (one system of adm/vip/accounts) the dialog REGISTER works BUT when clicking in register no works in the create of accounts nor create the dialog login... whats is the problem ?? The fs ...
I used to do was wrong, but not the dialogues are not going well, about your mistakes, posting zcmd of who is different from what you have
Forgiveness? but I tried this system and does not create anything (ie does not create the file) I right? do it a test
could put / registration and / logging in dialog? in the system of admin? I do not understand how to do that... could also be saved to make weapons, life, armor and money? DINI i not use System: ht...
te agradezco la ayuda men , ya lo solucione .. me ayudo aguien del foro estado unidense ^^ parece que faltaban algunos return 1; debo averme distraido con los usuarios que me piden el registro jejeje!...
thanks man, now has a functioning exelent!! one question... can you tell me how to do that if you type / register display a dialog? I do not .. :/ by chance... could do with dialogs and to save mo...
My problem with the admin system is: By placing as Fs I can not use commands gm.. System: Also, i need to know how do you save: life, armor and money... thank's for you ...
el registro de la adm esta mal scripteado en todas sus versiones , ademas no voy a cambiar un sistema adm que me costo 3 horas modificar y colocar mejoras solo porque no deja poner los comandos del gm...
Miren es raro porque el sistema anda bien , el tema es que si lo uso no me deja usar los comandos del gm , osea si cargo el fs , no deja poner los Comandos de mi gm ... Les dejo el sistema aca: http:...