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Quote: Originally Posted by NGEN123 Then wht should i need to do? My hosting company has provide me the mysql db but i can't import my .SQL! it's showing me this! The query isn't real...
Quote: Originally Posted by www no, i was using remote mysql since 03 years and its not slow! It is slow, and will result in great lags when server reaches and x amount of players. Depe...
Код: cmd(sel4, playerid, params[]) { new str2[256], iss; format(str2, sizeof(str2), "%f, %f %f, %f %f, %f %f, %f", PlayerInfo[playerid][pSelPos][0], PlayerInfo[playerid][pSelPos][1], PlayerInfo...
Try this: pawn Код: INI_WriteInt(File, "Warns", WarnTimes[playerid]);
125 pawn Код: // Add a Hydra to the game with a respawn time of 60 seconds    CreateVehicle(520, 2109.1763, 1503.0453, 32.2887, 82.2873, 0, 1, 60); // C...
Note that this is not the script request section. The section you posted this in is the "Scripting Help" Section. You need to give us some sample code that you are struggling with, and not just anothe...
Quote: Originally Posted by Edw I do not understand. What can I do, what can replace that lop to send that message at all. You did notice that part the i quoted out with "// This line t...
156 pawn Код: public RemoveRobbery(){   DestroyPickup(pickup4d);   DestroyPickup(pickup4d1);   DestroyPickup(pickup4d2);   DestroyPickup(pickup4d3);  ...
As far as i see it you need to change: pawn Код: forward StopPaintball();public StopPaintball(){    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++) // #1 Loop    {        if(InPaintball[i] == 1)...
To simplify this i would just send an request to the db to check if the user already has a house: then if he exists with either Name or OwnerId inside the houses table, return the SCM
Quote: Originally Posted by cyberlord this function count milliseconds so i need to convert them to minutes and hours i need something like formula to do that It's been a while since i ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Natric thanks a lot but, how do I call the array using the two diminstional thing like VPrice[modelid][price] Thanks in advance Just please tell me how to call...
you use new Captured[MAX_PLAYERS][30]; with another range. new Captured[MAX_PLAYERS]; is the right.
I assume theres something wrong with your variable. let us see were "Captured" is created.
Код: if(Captured[playerid] == 0 && IsPlayerCapturing[playerid][CAPZONE] == 1) is the right code. Show us the errors.
Wrong section mister, refer to the script request section.
If he has a code that initiates after someone is being robbed, add that code under the last part of that script. Otherwise you can setup a timer that starts at onplayerconnect. Name it for example OnP...
Quote: Originally Posted by par30 Warning.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C:\Users\hope\Desktop\SFCRRPGv2.0\gamemodes\SFCRRP G.pwn(19849) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "pay"...
Quote: Originally Posted by Cameltoe Well, iv'e bumped this thread a couple of times now. But i still struggle with this.. Anyone know a solution to this problem ? this^
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** Many of them work, if you claim they don't work "properly" then they must have some features or behaviours that you don't want (or don't have the ones yo...