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Can anyone help me make this arena only allows two players compete dm. If another player wants to get a message "The arena is full"! Thanks Код: if (strcmp(cmdtext,"/x1", true)==0) { SetPlayer...
How to create weapons to the ground as in the picture below?
SAWC™ if I create more than one they do not destroy vehicles only destroys the last one did. How to destroy all vehicles made by the command /v.
How to delete the cars made by the command /v Код: public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { // DCMD DEFINE's dcmd(help,4,cmdtext); dcmd(s,1,cmdtext); // 1 = amount of character d...
Hello, how do I put down only arena 2 player battle. Can anyone help me? Код: if (strcmp(cmdtext,"/battle", true)==0) { SetPlayerInterior(playerid,0); SetPlayerPos(playerid,1531.834,-1131.411,...
just want appears at a time when the gang attack the print above
Could anyone help me put a TextDraw a timer showing the time for only the players of that particular gang are attacking the gang area. Position stopwatch wanted to stay on as in the photo below C...
warning 203: symbol is never used: "dcmd_infoarmas" Line no exist
I tested the command today and after going 2 players for the arena has no way back to the arena only appears "Already 2 players." Help me fix this?
how to block the sending of money for 1 minute? When he sent it has to wait 1 minute to send again! Код: if(strcmp(cmd, "/money", true) == 0) { new Float:health; GetPlayerHealth(playerid...
How do I convert if to dcmd: Код: new aNames[][] = { "Desarmado", "Soqueira", "Taco de Golf", "Caзetete", "Faca", "Taco de Base-Ball", "Pб de pedreiro", "Cano", "Espada", "Motoserra", "Vibr...
Please! Can anyone help me in this arena, I put it to only 2 players to dm, when it is filled with 2 player in the case, if someone tries to enter a message "You already have 2 players in this arena"....
I put the gArena[playerid] == false; happened in OnPlayerDeath and 2 errors Code: if (strcmp(cmdtext,"/x1", true)==0) { if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < 200) return SendClientMessage(playerid, C...
How to block sending money to a player who is in an arena x1? Command x1: Code: if (strcmp(cmdtext,"/x1", true)==0) { if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < 200) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ...
Rac3r gave the following errors here: Код: D:\SA-MP (SERVER)\SA-MP (R7)\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(159) : warning 213: tag mismatch D:\SA-MP (SERVER)\SA-MP (R7)\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(159) : warning...
The control for off spec is already there! PS: Can someone help me?