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I'm using La-Rp. Will be very thankful for your help. I'd want to ask you to make another command. And connect it with "/cuff". Thank you for your help!
Quote: Originally Posted by [LSR State_Trooper ] Just guessing here but use omething like: GetPlayerPos(playerid,X,Y,Z); SetPlayerPos(giveplayerid,playerid); Thank you for your suggesti...
I know this command. I have "/drag" on my server. I'm a scripting beginner so i'll be very happy if you would help me with this. I don't need "/drag". I need command that will make player following th...
If somebody could help me, I need a script that will allow player, when he's cuffed, to follow the officer. Or something like this/ Will be very pleaseful if you would help me to do that!
Quote: Originally Posted by ɱર.⒮⒠⒱⒠⒩⒮⒯⒜⒭ Add this on top of your script, hope that solves your problem pawn Код: new ChGas[MAX_PLAYERS]; Will try
Anybody could even help me? Are you so lazy to help the beginner?
People, please help me with a script. I have some errors. This is the script: Код: public CheckSpeed(playerid) { new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z; new Float:distance,value; new i = playerid; if(IsPlay...