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pawn Код: public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid){  new classid;  SetPlayerToTeamColor(playerid);  if (classid == 0) {    gTeam[playerid] = TEAM_GROVE;  }  else {    gTeam[playerid] = TEAM_BALLA;Â...
Quote: Originally Posted by Don Correlli Open your PAWN IDE, copy that code to your script at the function/callback where you want to use it, compile and run you server and you'll get your...
Quote: Originally Posted by TheOneThatOwnZ yeah i know that Please show us the OnDialogResponse callback.
Remember, you can't use the same ID.
Td bem entгo... e no caso: SERVER BOM DE RPG, ENTRE JБ E GANHE UMA CASA XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX ! ou ? =] Sу estou dizendo que fazer tal cуdigo й mais complexo do que parece
@andmeida Se vocк pensar bem n funciona praticamente para nada... vendo assim da para entender que o primeiro texto eh checado.. se eu estivesse conversando com alguem no servidor por exemplo assim...
pawn Код: public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]){if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/skydive",true)==0){ // here...SetPlayerPos(playerid,-2342.1726,-1176.2717,2145.3945);GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 46, 1)...
Tente isto (sу vai funcionar se o player fizer o comando estando nos bancos traseiros do enforcer) : pawn Код: #include <a_samp>new Inenforcer[MAX_PLAYERS];new Watching[MAX_PLAYERS];new Flo...
put one of the objects in the new place you want (do not save it!), get the new object position, compare with the old position... lets say: Old X was: 305.23 New X is: 1640.61 Old Y was: 109.15 New ...
under OnPlayerCommandText
Sorry, was having my dinner. So.. this code compiles fine to me... must be somewhere else
Try that: pawn Код: // When you call the dialog:new pname[24];new pfile[128];GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));format(pfile,sizeof(pfile),"Users/%s.ini",pname);if(fexist(pfile)){  Sh...
Show the whole code. ( i bet is a bracket problem...)
pawn Код: if(!strcmp("/poffduty",cmdtext))  {        new gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS]; // YOU CREATED THE VAR    if(gTeam[playerid] == 1) // you checked it, but you didn't used it in anywhere, so how...
Quote: Originally Posted by RicardoMoreira Olб eu keria ao meter /duty que ele metesse uma skin de policia como se faz ? Salva o skin atual do player em uma variavel, use SetPlayerSkin...
Legal, e bem simples, chegando em casa eu testo isso com meu irmгo =]
Quote: Originally Posted by pawNO Hehehe Funcionou sim, a lataria continua quebrando mais ai jб e pedir demais nгo й? xD com a lataria eu acho que dou um jeito, se souber como faz post...
Quote: Originally Posted by Last_Stand_Guardian My code would also work, but his code is shorter and better xD Thanks Waff =D Yeah your code should work but i don't like to let the pla...
WARNING vehicleid IS NOT vehicle model. I Recommend you to use: OnVehicleStreamIn() pawn Код: if(gteam[playerid] != TEAMID){    SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(forplayerid,vehicleid,0,1);  }