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I like it, looking forward to seeing this in your server.
Quote: Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan show Malloc_SolidifyTimer It's a part of YSI 4.0: pawn Код: forward Malloc_SolidifyTimer();public Malloc_SolidifyTimer(){    P:1("Malloc_...
I just upgraded to YSI 4.0 and I'm using ZeeX's compiler now as well. This error is showing up in the server console- no idea why though. Any ideas? Код: [10:44:17] [debug] Run time error 12: "(s...
There's a TON of topics about this. And I literally mean a TON. All you have to do is search for 'em. There's all sorts of statistics and numbers that go into play here. If you're still developing th...
Okay, this is my tab-list in Notepad++. Let's say I'm in "stocks.irf" and I want to compile the code (which I have bound to F5). I can't, because if I push F5, it's going to try to compile stocks.i...
If you're using Notepad++, is there a way to make the NPPExec plugin compile one single file, rather than the file you're currently viewing? Every time I want to compile my mode, I have to go to the m...
(not meaning to double post here) Solved. Read EDIT on main thread.
EDIT: As it turns out, y_timers won't handle anything more than three passed variables. Not sure why this is, probably due to the the way ****** wrote SetTimerEx(). I'm using YSI 3.0, so it might of b...
Not sure what you mean by "dynamic vehicles." No such thing AFAIK. I use "CreateVehicle()" for every vehicle on the server. If you're loading them properly, they shouldn't be getting mixed-up ID's. Ve...
Don't use a downloaded GodFather edit.
Literally freeze the player for 1.5 seconds and then unfreeze. It's the best way without doing what "Patchwerk" said.
******* is where it's at. Instagram if you want to share pictures.
Right because I'm going to click that link.
Quote: Originally Posted by SWAT4 I can Teach you basics of HTML , CSS And PHP After you get used to those codes, but it needs patience .. and time , and i got school so probably we talk o...
I would highly doubt it. The only reason there is a "lag pit" is because of the keyword, "lag." There's always going to be lag between one client reporting to the server, and the server reporting to a...
When you say to just use CSS instead of Photoshop, is there like a "CSS editor" or is CSS like normal scripting? Do you know what I mean, or am I confusing you?
Just remember that if you run too many timers, it's going to cause some optimization problems. Don't have a global timer that runs every 5 seconds and does a MAX_PLAYERS or MAX_VEHICLES loop. And if f...