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thepro, he means the default 100$ loss in SA-MP. Which is retarded. Just give the player 100$ when he spawns. Should work.
Quote: Originally Posted by [XS XtremE_ ] Quote: Originally Posted by Roger_Ware How to convert?? Get used to using
These textdraws below doesn't seem to want to hide when I exit a vehicle. pawn Код: if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT)    {      TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw0);      TextDraw...
Yup, that did the trick. pawn Код: return floatround(ST[3]/1.621); But the returned value seems way too large(and was before too). Says my speed by tapping W is 85 MPH, and that the max speed o...
Quote: Originally Posted by Conroy Try dividing in the stock. Dividing in the second last line gave me an error, I'm gonna try it in the 'return'.
Alright look, the GetPlayerSpeed function returns a value in KM/H. I wanted it in MPH, so I divide the result with 1.621 (1,621) to make it MPH. However, this gives me fucked up results like multiple ...
Quote: Originally Posted by TTJJ Yeah you may then just have to use proximity. So if they are within 1.0 coords of the target object show them as colliding with it. I dont really think the...
Quote: Originally Posted by Aleksandar_Zivanovci ah, sorry for double post, my mistake (i celebrated last night and i am still little bit drunk) He STILL wanted to detect hits, not prox...
Bump. I used this, and when I turn at some places, my speed increases unrealisticly much. Like from 60 to 100 in a second. It seems to be when turning north and when turning south, but I'm not sure...
Quote: Originally Posted by Aleksandar_Zivanovci you can use function IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,3.0, Float, Float:y, Float:z); He wants to detect hits.
If you're good, maybe you can work it out from this?
Well, you could make a timer that checks if the player is close to a car. But you can't detect if he hits it(when no one is inside). If you should, that would require checking facing angle and keysta...
Oh god damn it no, it's not a float, look pawn Код: stock GetPlayerSpeed(playerid,bool:kmh){  new Float:Vx,Float:Vy,Float:Vz,Float:rtn;  if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) GetVehicleVelocity(Ge...
Quote: Originally Posted by DJDhan Код: updatespeedtimer = SetTimerEx("UpdateSpeed", 500, true, "ds", playerid, vehid); forward UpdateSpeed(playerid, vehid); public UpdateSpeed(player...
Noobinator's clearly isn't right. Speed isn't a float, since it's rounded. I'll test those you gave me, but it still doesn't explain why my compiler crashes when I use GetPlayerSpeed? pawn Код:...
Your SetPlayerSkin command is corrupted, obviously. Look it through.
This piece of code(after fixed) crashes the compiler. Someone look at it? pawn Код: forward UpdateSpeed(playerid);public UpdateSpeed(playerid);{    new speed = GetPlayerSpeed(playerid, false);Â...
How do I carry the vehicle ID along in a SetTimerEx? Because some vehicles are not arrayed, in other words, their vehicle ID's are numbers. Some are named in arrays, like kacc_humvee etc., and that wo...
Start it from scratch like everyone else does. This is probably not related or what you wanna hear, but seriously, editing others work is just.... stupid.
Quote: Originally Posted by MWF2 Quote: Originally Posted by Naxix You cut check if there is anybody near the criminal with IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint and if so check if they are c...