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Quote: Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi You should search a bit first, and really, you should post up what you have got, such as the joystick/pad and what drivers it came with. Joy Stick: ...
Ok so I just bought a JoyStick / JoyPad / KeyBinder and I can't get the car to move forward or backward by tilting forward or backward anyone know how I can make it so I can do this?
Quote: Originally Posted by [HiC TheKiller ] It would probably be screwed up, what roleplay script are you using? GodFather, LA-RP, GTA:RP EDIT: Ok the cars work fine, but I made myself...
Ok so I have a roleplay server and I was wondering if I reverted ALL accounts and ALL cars and then added new vehicles to the script via: LSPD's and then if someone bought a car would the dealership i...
Quote: Originally Posted by »Julian™« Key horn is named something else as : Код: KEY_CROUCH else you can do this Код: #define KEY_HORN 2 Ok thank you
Quote: Originally Posted by Joe Staff Make sure that you're opening it with the correct Pawno.exe. go to sampserver->pawno->pawno.exe, then open it with the folder button then compi...
Quote: Originally Posted by actiwe Download new one and replace it. Should work. Already tried, still same problem :\
I try to compile my script and I get this error: pawn Код: C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\RRP RV™\LA-RP, Raz RP\gamemodes\larp.pwn(13) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "morphinc"Compilation abo...
Quote: Originally Posted by IcyBlight BUT: That would make it open when people sprint by unless you make a Код: if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) Ok, thanks. P.S. Saw the stuf...
Quote: Originally Posted by IcyBlight If I ain't mistaken, you should use "KEY_SPRINT" Thank you, 0 errors One thing this should use the horn button right?
Ok so I tried to make it so when someone honks the horn it opens the pd gate and i get this Код: C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\RRP RV™\SA-MP Server 2\gamemodes\RRP-Add-To.pwn(373) : error 017: undefine...
Hello, well I tried to add a /help and /rules command and I get: pawn Код: C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\SA-MP Server 2\gamemodes\CMFS.pwn(86) : warning 209: function "OnPlayerCommandText"...
Quote: Originally Posted by mansonh You cannot change the actual vehicle ids. You can however make an array of vehicle ids. either like new VehicleTeam[MAX_VEHICLES]; which is an array of...
Ok so when I try to add a new car to my gamemode/script it puts it as car id 1, and if i added 2 new cars it put it as 1, 2 and I need to change that and make it like 1000 or something but it still be...
Quote: Originally Posted by Nexotronix Quote: Originally Posted by JakesRolePlay Quote: Originally Posted by Nexotronix Quote: Originally Posted by JakesR...
Quote: Originally Posted by Nexotronix Quote: Originally Posted by JakesRolePlay If your just wanting it to say "Your not in a bar" and "Your not in the drug warehouse, I think...
Use this as the script, and compile and run it and put both the .pwn and the .amx in your filterscript folder. Код: // This is a comment // uncomment the line below if you want to write a filters...
If your just wanting it to say "Your not in a bar" and "Your not in the drug warehouse, I think you should do this Код: if(!strcmp("/bar", cmdtext, true) && PlayerToPoint(1.5,playerid,4...
Quote: Originally Posted by Chivava If its into your Gamemode open that and search for KM/H and change it to MP/H i did that just that i changed it the other way. That's all? Wont it re...
So I have a speedometer on my server but it's in KM/H and I was wondering how I change it to MP/H. Any help?