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Capture the flag/other team events. (bomb the base, conquest..) (besides TDM.)
Please don't assume guys. I'm a perfectly competent scripter. I've been the sole and continuing developer of the script for several months now. It's not a half assed script or a beginning game mode, i...
Hi guys. I had an idea and I was wondering if it would spark any interest in the community if I were to pursue it. I currently run the server Stunt Revolution (formerly stunt evolution.) I had an ide...
Hi guys. I had an idea and I was wondering if it would spark any interest in the community if I were to pursue it. I currently run the server Stunt Revolution (formerly stunt evolution.) I had an ide...
Quote: Originally Posted by NiiRV4N4 Quote: Originally Posted by StunTEvo What is there to explain? There is NOTHING in the server_log.txt indicating a crash. The log simply re...
What is there to explain? There is NOTHING in the server_log.txt indicating a crash. The log simply restarts loading the gamemode after some random thing. (No indication as it to it being caused by an...
Clearly you did not read my post. There is no indication in the server log as to the crashes.
Hey guys, I've recently been experiencing some recent crashes in my server. I've debugged it and it seems to be just totally random. (No indication of any command or anyone causing it.) I upgraded to ...
Quote: Originally Posted by ¤Adas¤ And what about positions in interiors and mount chilliad? How can you fix it? And why to ban player when he is only a passenger? Mt. Chilliad is a ...
This is a simple proof of concept anti-airbreak that I made. It works by getting the players Z position, and if it is a certain distance higher than the ground height, then you can do something. An i...