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Quote: Originally Posted by Emmet_ You don't need a switch statement. pawn Код: new skin = GetPlayerSkin(playerid);if (skin >= 280 && skin <= 286) {    skin++;}SetPlay...
Hello guys i have always used if-else but i want to try switch and now i am thinking if this is possible or how to do it similiarly. switch(GetPlayerSkin() == 280) case: skin id 281 SetPlayersKin 28...
Instead of [ Qoute ] use [ Pawn ] [ /Pawn ] Just a quick tip makes its more readable
may i ask what you need help with?
Quote: Originally Posted by Goldino When I put, Код: #pragma unused params #pragma unused help This comes up, Код: C:\DOCUME~1\DANNY~1.YOU\MYDOCU~1\ROLEPL~4\FILTER~1\afk.pwn(6) :...
pawn Код: #pragma unused params#pragma unused help How about this? afterall it is just warnings
Quote: Originally Posted by phantomcraft Not supported yet Wrong, it is, There is a cops and robbers that has it but you need to press a key like ALT to get the tazer and then alt again...
Код: forward UserDataLoad_data(playerid,name[],value[]); public UserDataLoad_data(playerid,name[],value[]) { //This loads the settings from the INI file INI_Int("Pass",pInfo[playerid][Pass]);...
Stix your code works the best but Код: [data] Pass = 118358421 IP = ***.**.*.*** Cash = 50000 Score = 25 Admin = 1 Moderator = 0 Cop = 1 Criminal = 0 Civilian = 0 That is my Userfile but it still...
Zdevine your gives me the Cop error message in the locker room, but if im outside it says i am not by your locker wich is good, but the You are not a cop is not good And Black your gives me the Yo...
It Still gives me this And my "Cop" is set to 1 because the score and cash are working pawn Код: if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Cop") == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You are not a ...
I've been trying to figure my problem out in (I AM SERIOUS NOW) 3-4 hours i can't find it pawn Код: dcmd_onduty(playerid, params[]){#pragma unused paramsif(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.0, 2...
Dwane, i dident say it should work, im just trying to see every possible angle and that was one of them i saw i'm not that good with sa-mp scripting
pawn Код: if ( P_DATA[playerid],[P_AntiFall]) P_DATA[playerid],[P_AntiFall] = 0; try that
Not sure if this is very help full but be sure to create the car id pawn Код: new Lowrider1;Lowrider1 = CreateVehicle("positions")new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);AttachObjectToVehicl...
***EDIT*** Fixed it, after a while of thinking i tried to make it backwards and guess what, it worked!
My ServerLog pawn Код: SA-MP Dedicated Server----------------------v0.3e-R2, (C)2005-2012 SA-MP Team[18:07:01] filterscripts = ""  (string)[18:07:01] [18:07:01] Server Plugins[18:07:01] --------...