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have your sdk then your folder with your cpp, def and make files in it next to each other insted of 1 "." change your source so its 2 (../SDK/amx/*.c) on all the sdk include lines then go into the fol...
Well this a quick plugin I just whipped up that allows you to calculate the load average of what ever linux machine your server is running on. (Useful for debugging...) Since this plugin only comes wi...
Either your missing this from your gamemode pawn Код: main() return 1; or your not loading the sscanf plugin.
string cell is most likley to small. never insert a larger string(servername) into a smaller one(string)
It's pawn Код: dini_Set(filename[], index[], data[]); In your code you only have to arguments thats why you get that warning
stop bumping your thread. Try replacing line 28 with pawn Код: format(file,128,"Reg/%s.ini",GetName(playerid));
Check your server log to see if your plugins are loading. Your host most likely is running linux, so try using the .so versions of your plugins
Quote: Originally Posted by PyaRolE Salutare as dori sa styu ce este wirtualworld am inteles ca ajuta la creerea intorioarelor pentru case de unde il pot lua !! Inco o problema cum adaug o...
IAdministrator uses v1.2 of incognitos plugin check what version you have?
looks nice ill check it out EDIT* err looks like it could be abused very easily
you need to convert the mta map to samp format go to to convert to what ever streamer you use
Quote: Originally Posted by Miroko Need Some Help Some Wranings: Код: C:\Documents and Settings\XPPRESP3\Desktop\Mina's Server\SAN-RPG\filterscripts\LSPD.pwn(1) : error 010: invalid f...
Quote: Originally Posted by mansonh Can you make an anti violence once? just edit it your self any way good job
a simple anti weapon cheating system it bans the nightvission and thermal goggles camera and minigun this goes under OnPlayerUpdate pawn Код: new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];  new string[256];  if(!Is...
Quote: Originally Posted by <Krys> Nice FS ^
theres a pm script in the base.pwn FS i think but look in like the godfather script to find something like the other ones
when i use this i cant see other people in the server is it because of C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Windows R4\pawno\include\ : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "OnGameMode...
Quote: Originally Posted by The Jocker i think u have maximum 5 filter scripts to put in standered server [in internet list only] if u putted more ur server will have bugs and will crashes...