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To see if the Team has a total health of 0 ( all players are dead). Then tell it if it is 0 to restart
Change the coding so its only looking for certin cars, I do remember some where seeing add cars after here. But, I custom coded my server so I haven't seen LA-RP for like 2 years
Why dnt u use, GetPlayerHealth and Select the Player's/Teams
Lol, You add the cars at the end of the rest of the cars that way you dont get that error.
Go back through what ever you last added, Check it remove it part by part and see where the error is and then correct it.
Dude, Use the wiki. If you dont know how to add a car you shouldn't be running a server. It's AddStaticVehicle(carid,X,Y,Z,Rot,RoT,Rot,Respawn Time);
Hey all, So, I just got a Linux Server, Purchased it from a Data Center. anyway, I installed Cent OS 5.3 with Webmin. Cant seem to port forward. I'm a moderate Linux user how ever, I cant get this to...
Quote: Originally Posted by Adil_Rahoo It's too easy. Ikr.. lol
Quote: Originally Posted by [LSR State_Trooper ] Код: At The top of your script: new tele; OnGameModeInit tele = CreatePickup(356,2314.4685058594 ,568.81640625 ,8.5382442474365); pu...
Код: At The top of your script: new tele; OnGameModeInit tele = CreatePickup(356,2314.4685058594 ,568.81640625 ,8.5382442474365); public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid) { if (pickup...
Lol, Use teh wiki and also you need the X,Y,Z Of where you want the pickup
Ok, I'm trying to make it so a Cop can type /follow [playerid] and the player wil follow the cop where ever he goes until hes /unfollowed then /uncuffed. Here's my code so far pawn Код: if(strcm...
Quote: Originally Posted by Jay420 I had an animation FS on my computer, don't know if this is something like it, but at least it sounds like something you need :P pawn Код: // Fallif...
Quote: Originally Posted by Steven82 Like in some RP scripts, Код: /fall Correct
Are you using factions like in a GF edit or teams?? I may give you the code :P
Just guessing here but use something like: GetPlayerPos(playerid,X,Y,Z); SetPlayerPos(giveplayerid,playerid);
So, I started making a house FS, But I need a list of houses and their interior's.... I did search a bit. I didnt have to to fully search so I apologise. IF this has been asked/solved, Please link m...