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Well... You should show me the dialog menu you made. And what gm you have?
Would you mind to post your problem from the script?
Quote: Originally Posted by ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL Under pawn Код: public OnGameModeInit(){DisableInteriorEnterExits();return 1;} To me it looked like he wanted to make IsPlayerInRangeOf...
If you know how to do that, then just copy the last line of your /enter line script and change the cords. try else if. Like Ex: Quote: If(pla pla pla) { pla pla pla pla pla pla pla ...
These are made with IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint. And the arrow is AddStaticPickup.
GameTextForPlayer But if you would like to add different GameTextForPlayer's to any skin, you will need to define a team. At the top of the picture is TextDraw.
I have a problem, every time someone enters the mod shop in my RP gm. They will get stuck in there, like pressing the Enter or F key, the player gets out the vehicle before he/she exits the mod shop,...
Do this way: Go to pirate ship and take a pos where you want the character to be and write /rs. Then find a place where you want the camera to be and write /rs. Then press /q and go to your san andre...
1. Код: public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid) { SetPlayerPos(playerid, 487.5612,-2.8253,1002.3828);// player pos SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 485.0675,-6.9099,1002.4684);//camera pos S...
1. Do you mean like SetupPlayerForClassSelection?
OnVehicleMod, i want it to return money to player.
In some servers, they have an interior like BigSmokes Crack palace. But there is no unuseful objects there, like boxes and things like that, how they have an empty one? Did they create an interior wit...
Okey, whatever. Btw. Its MTA Deathmatch, to use map editor: To teleport into intruder press F and choose one from locations. After you have made your map objects, go to MTA folder and open your creati...
Quote: Originally Posted by SAWC™ Quote: Originally Posted by TeRRoRism I can build outside the intruder with MTA Race. But how can i build inside the intruder? Ask on MTA...
I can build outside the intruder with MTA Race. But how can i build inside the intruder?
Like i made a Dialog tuning, but how to make this like the dialog reads the vehicle id? Code: if(listitem == 7) { AddVehicleComponent(vehicleid, 1029); SendClientMessage(play...
Does anyone knows all the sultan, elegy, urnus, flash.... Most of these car component id's?
I know that, but i need to put that inside that, like if i RELEASE the Up_key so the player stops walking. I tried to do some, but didnt work.