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Boa noite,estou а procura de 3 admins e 1 ou 2 scripters realmente comprometidos com o servidor,formando parte de uma familia para ver o servidor crescer e se desenvolver!O servidor й do Tipo RPG,e ...
o intuito й ediar um GM,ou pode ate mesmo fazer do zero,porem,o projeto й fazer em SF ou LV
Galera,seguinte,toh com umas ideias bem bacanas ai,preciso de um time de scripters! para quem se abilitar deixe seu msn ai no forum!
remember!eu try the tutorial in this first Page of Forum!
Hii Guys! My Gm compile!But,the pickups stay in 100!Somebody Help me? The Houses pickups of my gm dont appears with 100 pickups! i need of 300 pickups... Help Me! (
So if I understand, I only have to compile the 0.3 correct? but they take a while to load? for the first time I called the GM, he carried no Pickup! In the second he load some pickups!! //Sorry my v...
Hello! I wonder if anyone had or has the same problem as me! The Pickups of homes and businesses in my GM does not appear all! I need Urgent Help!
Good night, Could someone teach me how can I save the wanted levels of peoples! and when he relogin return the wanted levels! and wondered how he could make them appear as stars!
Alguem poderia me ensinar como salvar os niveis de procurados das pessoas no GF e assim ke ele relogasse os niveis de procurado voltassem! e como posso fazer para que o level de procurado apareзa com...
Hi! I wish somebody would help me create gangzone! Am beginner and I'm not doing it! I use the X-treme San Andreas Ultimate Mapper and he gave me this code: //====================== / / Above OnGameM...