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can i get the weapon sounds? : D nice.
I doubt this will work, since there aren't any real defines of weapon damage only scripted, you can't actually change the guns damage, samp's scripting isn't made very accurate so theres like 2% or mo...
What the heck does the script do? I can't understand a word from you.
Quote: Originally Posted by jertsa BUMP Why the f**k did you bump a 3year old topic?
We definitly need a good object streamer made by samp developers, and don't say there are many good ones and you can create one yourself, because we only have a little access to the code while develop...
Is there a possibility to get a streamer or something for objects to make them doublesided(like the function on MTA) so it cannot be one side 255alpha and other 0 alpha
Hello, I was wondering if someone know how to code this thing. How could I keep updating the bar without timers when a player is holding the button? I know its possible but can't think of a way on tha...
you dont hav MAPICON_LOCAL defined anywhere.
"_" symbol in textdraw makes no text at all, i don't see you set a string somewhere
not an outline but the whole map black except for the zone that i have coords for it?
I've got some coords which makes a gangzone, but the problem is that i don't want that zone filling up with color , i want it to be blank but outer zone to be colored.. i really dont know how to expla...
you used those callbacks more than one time
set a timer and on the timers callback put the explode code(what happens when the 25secs pass)
Bump,help please. this is very important to me
pawn Код: public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid){    if(pickupid == pickup)    PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, 411, 0);    return 1;} The code above is wrong because you are checking ...
try: pawn Код: if(killerid == TEAM_USA){UsaKills+=1;new ukills[24];format(ukills, sizeof(ukills), "Usa Kills: %d", UsaKills);TextDrawSetString(UKD, ukills);} Reason why it doesn't work is becaus...
Well your question answers would be: Yes there are ways to both of them. To make score count to both teams just create 2 new vars like this: new teamkillcount1; new teamkillcount2; OnPlayerDeath c...
Solved, i downloaded a color picker and used hex color image to get my current color because i remember what kind of rgba color i used, i got every color in hex now and everything works fine