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Quote: Originally Posted by Mellnik As long as nothing changes regarding the command system mcmd should work with almost any version. You did it the wrong way. Counting speed is only p...
If I was you I would go for a quad-core the most cheap quad cores from intel socket 1155 are around 165 euros so for 50 euros.. Also there are some rams that I think they are cheaper, but if you want...
Quote: Originally Posted by RealCop228 I have never heard anything negative about ASUS support though. haha You better use ****** a little bit a simple search like: "asus rma problem" h...
Actually the best bang for buck that I've found on NVIDIA side was getting let's say 3xGTX 760, it simply CAN'T be beaten the price/performance ratio... It costs around 720 euros to get 3 of those car...
Quote: Originally Posted by Tom1412 ur best of building it with one or the other they don't work well when mixed That's NOT at all true! Quote: Originally Posted by GreenSt4l...
Quote: Originally Posted by [HiC]TheKiller Regardless of how a hash is designed, GPU cracking is going to be far faster. Even with CPU cracking, you're looking at in the million SHA512 has...
Cloning normally is not a option with SSD's since one ssd with a reasonable price is about 100 to 260 dollars and at maximum with 256 GB... You may try it.. if it gives you any trouble get in touch w...
SA:MP GDK, procura nгo ha criados no forum
Eu fiz uma ediзгozita para por mais rapido porem aconcelho-te vivamente a usares sistemas de iteradores pois neste caso o codigo ia ficar reduzido a milesimas de segundo para execuзгo se utilizada...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sanady Maybe I am... I learn that in school So maybe I am.. Yeah you're completly, because if you play Hitman absolution @ 1920x1080 maxed out it can take ...
Quote: Originally Posted by AlucardSnow Aqueles bots da lanchonete й sу abrir o server.cfg e retirar aqueles filterscript. Tambйm use: pawn Код: DisableInteriorEnterExits();// Desat...
Ha esses.. Nunca tentei remove-los mas tambйm penso que nгo exista funзгo para tal coisa...
Nгo te esqueces-te de meter um: Код: Roubando[playerid] = 1; ? Nгo era isto que pretendias? Код: CMD:roubardeposito(playerid,params[]) { if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,3....
Duvida 1: Acho que й isto que queres: Код: stock LerDinheiro ( playerid ) { static playerEscapedName [ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ] , pName [ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ] , string [ 32 ] ; GetPlayerNa...
Das duas uma, ou na verdade ele nunca veio com 6GB ou entгo os modulos das rams nгo estao a funcionar.. pode ser pу... etc... O windows nгo й problema visto que qualquer windows mesmo sendo x86 ...
Talvez queiras ler esta thread pode ser que ajude.
You guys simply don't have to call him immature... He did it because of this post.. Anyway it has 3 kilometers
Quote: Originally Posted by Haydn I have, three in fact. All have died. It's just the parts they use. I've owned am acer laptop and the whole thing died after two years. My grandmas acer a...
No you can't because everyday a dumbass child joins and thinks he's the BOSS, so he starts to create flame wars, and Portuguese/Brazillian people are not used to simply "avoid" those guys, so we alway...