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Okay. But anyway you should try that out :P
At first: you forgot the return and the clsoing bracket... Then try this: pawn Код: public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason){        new pname[MAX_PLAYERS],accFormat[128];    GetPlayerNa...
Just use: pawn Код: public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger){    if(vehicleid == bmx1||bmx2||bmx3)    {    if(postjob[playerid] == 0)    {    SendClientMessage(playe...
LinkVehicleToInterior(vehicleid, interiorid)
Why the people dont learn it?! When other people should help u You have to POST your CODE otherwise they can't help. Or what should they do? Look through walls? Using Backdoor programs to load ur co...
Show us your code please
With your second suggestion I have no compiler errrors, but it doesn matter which password i type in and everytime logs in. For your question: I want to save letters and numbers in the password.
@Vince: Doesn't work... same error @Jeffry: Type Missmatch error
Hey. I just tried to make a login system but i have an error with my array index... Here my Code: pawn Код: CMD:login(playerid, params[]){    new pname[56];    new file[56];    new passwor...
Maybe put that into OnPlayerConnect() ?
You could just set a timer, that checks every 10 minutes the coordinates of every player and if a player has the same coordinates in two checks he gets kicked...
You cant generate float with "minrand()" because it's only for integer
Why you want to use both? zcmd is a lot better and faster. If I were you i'd stay with zcmd
Hm Thanks for tryin to help... but i dont need to respawn my cars... i want to spawn them so add new ones ingame. Later i will try an /respawn fautos because i cant respawn my fraction cars but one af...
No... i need something to spawn all the vehicles. I already made an array with all th vehicles and datas... only a few are missing. They will be coming soon. But I posted the code already. And when i ...
You have to make a really huge array with all the cars and names so you can categorize em and list them in the box.
Hey guys. I got some trouble with my command after changing it so i can(could -.-) spawn all vehicles. i have this command: When i type th right names like "landstalker" oder "firetruck" it spawns m...