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Are the new 0.3c objects with an MTA? or do you have to use a different editor?
Quote: Originally Posted by JaTochNietDan What better way for an Irishman to start the day! +1 But mines vodka wit juice
How do you get on hosted tab? I see empty servers on there 24/7 and im just wondering how can you get back on hosted tab since serverffs doesn't sell it?
cool story and all bro but its like the fucking same just with 0.3c added.
Quote: Originally Posted by Grim_ The express of racism found on these forums is just pathetic. That, besides the fact the video is plain stupid. where did you get racism from?
[ame][/ame] nuff said
Quote: Originally Posted by Hiddos Well I tested it and it did not work. Neither will RemovePlayerFromVehicle work in RC vehicles (Just so you know.) didnt work for me either..
Quote: Originally Posted by [FU]Victious SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, +10); ? This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 38 seconds. goodjob cpt...
Thanks. pawn Code: enum MessageTooShort{    char[8]}
Any object ID for a red shining light, with a glow, and a green light with a glow (Or white light will work) Trying to gear up for christmas early <3
Some very useful generators. Thank you Drakins.
Thats really a cool story and all bro. But what you just explained is common sense.
Sicne gtx 460 is small, should fit in most cases. if not all. As the two posts above, You should have a NAME BRAND PSU, with 500w+ supply (i'd go 650+ incase of fans,hard drives, other things.. yeah ...
pawn Код: if (!strcmp("/toggold", cmdtext, true, 10))    {        new gold[MAX_PLAYERS];        if(IsPlayerVipType(playerid, 1 || 2 || 3))        {if(gold[playerid] = 1){        ...
i'd be eating General tso's chicken like i am rite now.
Good job. Though.. what if there is 1..2..3..4k Cars being reloaded.. Going to cause lag regardless. But minimize it some by changing "for(new i; i < SCRIPT_CARS; i++)" to "foreach(customthing, i)"...
Quote: Originally Posted by Brian_Furious Yes try it in a FS, the crash maybe will be beacuse you have the commands in strcmp + strok, and ZCMD inlcude with some commands there. well, s...