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Hello, If you managed to fix the problem, please don't delete your post, maybe other members of the community have the same problem as you and this could help them to fix it. Thanks !
Quote: Originally Posted by Necip Hello there. The first question is: Which is the dive animation? I mean when you dive under water? Second: How can I make a loop for setting the health a...
Given the fact that '[pForum]' variable is (or it should be) a string, you can't just change it's value like that. You need to format the string, like below: pawn Код: CMD:forumname(playerid, pa...
Like DobbysGamertag mentioned, you already declared the 'string' variable as a global variable. You have 2 options in this case: 1. You can change the 'string' name in your command. 2. You can just...
Hello! Anyone willing to give me a Diablo 3 account? I only have a Guild Wars 2 account I can give in exchange but that's pretty much all. If anyone's interested, don't hesitate to post here or PM ...
You can do that using format: pawn Код: format(PlayerCarsOwner[PlayerCars[vslot]], sizeof PlayerCarsOwner[PlayerCars[vslot]], "%s", playerName); Not sure if I understood your request but I hope ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Zempist I think that would have been the best way, but if you dont want to use a streamer in your gm, why not use it in a fs and save the mess in your gm? I...
Quote: Originally Posted by Zempist This is the function you need. pawn Код: CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(const text[], color, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:drawdistance, attachedplaye...
Quote: Originally Posted by Zempist This should fix it pawn Код: Create3DTextLabel("Use /paytickets to pay all your tickets!", 0x008080FF, 249.4818, 69.1762, 1003.6406, 25.0, 6, 0); ...
Well, honestly, the tutorial is poorly explained... No, not even poorly, you haven't explain anything, just posted the code and that's all. This should rather be in filterscript section. Even though ...
'evening everyone! I have one little 'problem'. I'm trying to create a 3DTextLabel in PD interior (Interior ID 6) but for some reason it doesn't work. Here's the code: pawn Код: Create3DTextLabe...
Quote: Originally Posted by mittukuttan help me The thing is, you can't check OFFLINE accounts if you're not using MYSQL so, therefor, you can't really check if one player has more than...
Yes, all you need, is to add that code and change the reason to '3 warns'. Of course, you might want to delete the 'BanEx(playerid, "3 warns")' line.
pawn Code: CMD:warn(playerid, params[]){        levelerror(2);        if (sscanf(params, "us[200]", plid, estring))         return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "Usage: /warn <id> <...
To get all weapons a player has, you need GetPlayerWeaponData function.
Show me the pawn Код: SendAdminMessage stock / function. About the 'fdeleteline' error ... I can't help you, I have no idea how to fix that.
Alright, that's possible ... Well, you can add Chainsaw in shop and put it as a requirement to start cutting trees. You can find the Chainsaw object it here. Then, you can use the GetPlayerWeapon...
What exactly is that job supposed to do? Give some more details to see if it's even possible what you're planning to do.
I edited my previous post, try to copy it again ... Tell me what lines give you the (argument 2) error ? Post the lines ... I can't seem to figure it on my own.
Quote: Originally Posted by morocco i use like this if(strcmp(cmd, "/Jail", true) == 0) { SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1849.32995605,-1714.31005859,5201.54003906); SetPlayerIn...