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IT'S OK , when you finish you could send me please it , i want to see the rules in the left upper corner
OK So I need to add this to a script right ? rules.pwn , and then compile it to rules.amx and add it to the config
OK my question is in the title , i need the code ! If its more difficult could please somebody teach me , and i want to appear this : Ovo su pravila servera: 1.Postujte sve igrace i admine 2.Chitovanj...
What bandwith u have ?
I want it when they spawn @ Pakistan Cool Boy PS. If it could to freeze everything , so when you spawn it freezes and then the rules show up
OK , Thanks people for the anims , now I want to add rules, could somebody teach me how to do that ?
OK Thx it works , but could somebody give me the full list of cmds in seif's anims
Quote: Originally Posted by XtremeChio Код: lanmode 0 rcon_password ******* maxplayers 32 port 7777 hostname AK Server gamemode0 lvdm 1 filterscripts SeifAnims adminspec vactions annou...
Quote: Originally Posted by XtremeChio Hey, You can add it easily ! I guess you're talking about the commands which makes the player move, aka ApplyAnimation. Here is a good FilterScript...
Thanks man , I got my samp server , and i wanted to do that , thanks really
I've worked with Rollo on Mythbusters , ands i saw there some cmds like /sit /deal /throw , could please somebody say how to add that to my server