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okay thanks - thats all i wanted to know.
hi, that problem happens very often: i saw an other player who is just standing around, doing nothing. i wanted to shoot him but he didn't die. is it some kind of bug or is it normal?
i have a question concerning the kills and the deaths: are you harder to kill when you have more kills than deaths like when somebody did 300 kills and was only 100 times killed - is he better than so...
wow, it's the first time i hear such a weird thing. one thing i would try: open samp, turn off your router then, just before you want to play, wait for a few seconds (not too long!) and then try to co...
gta samp will exist for a long time as vcmp does, because why should they close a server, although many people play on it? don't know how gta 4 mps look like but as I've heard I think they are not so ...