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Put the debug message at the top of OnDialogResponse and see what happens.
Quote: Originally Posted by SsHady Here's what I understood, and tried to make. Код: CMD:savemyradio(playerid, params[]) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_Test, DIALOG_STYLE_INPU...
If you're using this MySQL plugin (which you should be) then you just use the function mysql_pquery to send a query which call a callback once the query finishes Example: Код: //in the command to ...
pawn Код: PlayerInfo[pID][pKills] += score;//orPlayerInfo[pID][pKills] = PlayerInfo[pID][pKills] + score; Both do the same thing, so use only one of the lines above.
A much simpler way to do this is just to see if the player's ID and the ID of the player that's being paid are the same.
Код: if (admlvl < 1 || (admlvl > 4 && admlvl != 1337)) return SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_RED,"- >>Error<< - Valid Admin Levels: 1-4 and 1337!");
Quote: Originally Posted by NeamPojma For example i want red so i need to do: pawn Code: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(i, playerid, (gTeam[i] == gTeam[playerid]) ? color | 0xFF0000FF : color ...
Code: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(i, playerid, (gTeam[i] == gTeam[playerid]) ? color | 0xFF : color & ~0xFF); "color" should be the color you want the map blips to be for team mates
If this is supposed to check if the player isn't admin, then you could just do Код: if(admlvl == 0) or Код: if(!admlvl) But as rymax said you should have provided some sort of description of ...
pawn Код: SaveGang(id){    new querygang[1024];    format(querygang, sizeof(querygang), "UPDATE `gangs` SET `Nome` = '%s',  `Lider` = '%s', `Membro0` = '%s', `Membro1` = '%s', `Membro2` =  '...
min x means the lowest x value, same goes for the y max x means highest x value, same for y As x is lower the further left (west) you go and y is lower the further down (south) you go, that would mea...
Update to the latest version (redownload the server and paste the includes from pawno/include into the server/pawno/include folder) to fix your problem
Quote: Originally Posted by Konstantinos You wouldn't even need to call GetPlayerSkin as "modelid" holds the skinid. Yep, that would work as well and would be ideal.
Why would you need a timer for this? Surely just adding GetPlayerSkin into a format would do the trick? Код: if(listid == skinlist) { if(response) { new tmpString[128]; Set...
You mean this?
Try this: Код: if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { if(!VoziloJeBicikla(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehic leID(playerid)))) { new Ostecenje[100];new Float:HP; GetVehicleHealth...
Quote: Originally Posted by Bingo This happens when user is having internet issues as above user said, Nothing to worry about this is not an attack or any shhh. Does this happen from the...
Quote: Originally Posted by Michael B Try to install crashdetect plugin, which can be found here, then post again in case you meet any errors. I have installed it and will report back w...
Hello! Recently (since a few days after the 0.3.7 launch), there have been constant mass-timeouts on my server. They occur at random times, sometimes several times per day or even per hour, and other ...