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If you're going to call it day, it would be nice to at least go out with some kind of bang. Stick a server online for a weekend, post it on the forum and get everyone to join and let's have one last "...
If cheaters and hackers are your main concern, what about making some kind of cloud based cheat detector tool, something similar to what aru made in 2007 with SAC, and open source that?
Quote: Originally Posted by BeckzyBoi Back on topic - my SendClientMessageEx/SendClientMessageToAllEx functions are named SendClientMessage2/SendClientMessageToAll2: I think you've mis...
Another fine showcase. I've not dropped by your server for a year or so, but I think I'll pay it a visit!
Try looking a little harder...
Quote: Originally Posted by donsta3000 What's the point of jumping through all those hoops to script in C#? The very fact that you're asking this question really suggests that you shoul...
Quote: Originally Posted by GoldenLion No, using SpawnPlayer while being in spectating mode will bug out the player (you'll be somewhere in the sky flying) so the only way to spawn the pla...
Why are you using TogglePlayerSpectating? This isn't the purpose of this function. SpawnPlayer() would be more relevant here.
I'm considering putting together a proposal for a community project for a SA-MP server with a gamemode coded in C# using vNext of this library (which supports .Net Core). Following the most up to date...
Quote: Originally Posted by amirm3hdi That language seems bad. You couldn't even begin to compare C# with PAWN.
Forgive me if I've missed this elsewhere. Has anyone experienced any problems with the plugin failing to load? Are there any additional prerequisites other than the ones listed in the documentation (...
Nice work Slice as always, this is a game changer. This has given me an idea on how I can improve my debugging techniques!
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince I wish there were a native to extend the "no friendly fire" option to other teams. So let's say "team cop" with id 1 could not hit "team military" with id...
I think you're misunderstanding the purpose of a CMS. A Content Management System is there to allow the end user of a website control content. Add new blog posts, amend images, change text, create ne...
Hmm, okay yeah I suppose I can see your point about repeating data as it's less likely that a vehicle would have all 9 mod slots filled. However they wouldn't necessarily need to contain data or store...
Quote: Originally Posted by Gammix What about attached objects? Yes, these would be split off into a separate table, referencing the vehicle id as the foreign key because the number of ...
Before you can even consider implementing a server-side weapon system, you need to compensate for weapons obtained from client-side events: - Ammunation - Certain vehicles - golf cart giving you a gol...
Quote: Originally Posted by Cypress That's terrible and should be avoided. It would be wrong to normalise a vehicle database table containing fields represented by vehicle modifications...