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Abody. Which graphic cards do you have ? How much W and V does your PSU have ? Plus this oftens happens if the PSU doesn't have enough energy to keep the GPU running perfectly. Therefore, it fucks u...
Nope, someone with score 1 can die same as someone with score 100. Tho if you script it otherwise..
Quote: Originally Posted by Daslee yeah verry sweet...pff no 1 object added...when i go to that place i see just water.......last shit what i can say noob. I think you're the noob here...
My friend HAD it. He got tired of the touch screen - It's really stupid, you get bored of it. After a while you realize old style is better :P Plus there are better phones for under 270Ђ- It's just c...
Quote: Originally Posted by BlackFoX Custom Function , i never heard about this Function ... you mean SetPlayerPos .. ? Corelli even gave the link. It's used for NPC's and it's not wor...
Open the new.pawn and open your script. Then compile it and it should work. I had the same problem, cause I used the old Pawno.
Quote: Originally Posted by Lavamike If it was my guess it probably caused some issues with other things or something. I don't think they would remove it if it worked fine with everything....
It should be in, I don't understand why it got removed. And answers like 'make yours'..Come on.. Why the hell would you make yours if you could type that code in 5 seconds.
Quote: Originally Posted by pascal gta How i can do that? Start>Control Panel>Windows Firewall>Exceptions Check if you got all stuff related to samp checked.
Quote: Originally Posted by gemadon Well, in 0.3 /save is disabled... well at least for me.. even when I login to RCON It's not disabled, you just don't get a text that you saved. It d...
Wait, you're checking their teams while they didn't even choose one yet and under OnGameModeInit.
pawn Код: if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/kungfu", true) == 0)  {    SetPlayerFightingStyle(playerid, FIGHT_STYLE_KUNGFU);    SendClientMessage(playerid, red, ">> Fighting Style changed to 'Kung-F...
I hate the original. Most likely because I don't lie those sort of songs and creators. I like this mix. Way better than the original.
So you want to remove vehicles but you only know their names and not which ID is the name ? Here, the list of all vehicles including their ID.
Quote: Originally Posted by Gappy I have absolutely no idea what could be causing this. I was once shooting with an Mp5 from the car [drive-by when you press CAPSLOCK] When my ammo was...
My bad then, didn't even notice it. Let it stay there, you see Playboys in real shops too :P
Quote: Originally Posted by ♠°S.Killa°♠ Ye , You mean sorta Like Stands? not really shops but in like box things No no, not that. Eh well I don't know how to explain. It's just a ...
Quote: Originally Posted by ♠ <FalconX^ ♠ This is lovely! But.. i don't get it... is it a Porn store, a hairdresser, a magazine shop, or a Clothes shop? There are no porn magazin...