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Add this to your stocks: pawn Код: stock GetPlayersName(playerid){    new playersName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];    GetPlayerName(playerid, playersName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);    for(new i = 0; i < str...
Really need help, i'm stuck with my work for this
This: pawn Код: CMD:stats(playerid,params[]){    new kills = pInfo[playerid][Kills], deaths = pInfo[playerid][Deaths], alevel = pInfo[playerid][Adminlevel], vlevel = pInfo[playerid][VIPlevel], ...
pawn Код: CMD:m(playerid, text[]) return cmd_megaphone(playerid, text);CMD:megaphone(playerid, text[]){    if(PlayerMuteInfo[playerid][AllMuted]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_CYAN_COL...
You've switched cash and score, maybe this was the problem, try this pawn Код: CMD:stats(playerid,params[]){    new kills = pInfo[playerid][Kills], deaths = pInfo[playerid][Deaths], alevel = pI...
I don't really know what you're doing but try this: pawn Код: CMD:m(playerid, text[]) return cmd_megaphone(playerid, text);CMD:megaphone(playerid, text[]){    if(PlayerMuteInfo[playerid][AllMut...
Try this: pawn Код: CMD:me(playerid, params[]){    if(isnull(params)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "USAGE: /me [action]");        new string[126];    format(string, sizeo...
I want help for spawning player in hospital after death, but it seems that i have a problem with that. Here are my codes: pawn Код: new Dead[MAX_PLAYERS];public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, r...
pawn Код: new interior = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);if(interior != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You can't spawn vehicle in interior");
Okay, here's the command. pawn Код: CMD:saveonfoot(playerid, params[]){    if(gPlayerLoggedIn[playerid] == 0) return 1;    if(KasutajaInfo[playerid][kAdmin] < 3) {        SendClientMess...
I knew it was from the zcmd, but in my other GM, the zcmd isn't included and it works like a charm. But if i include zcmd in this GM, it crashes the compiler
I have this cmd at the bottom of my GM: pawn Код: CMD:saveonfoot(playerid, params[]) And it gives me a warning and doesn't work in-<a class="inlineAdmedialink" href="#">game</a>: КÐ...
@RockingCamman: No, you're getting it wrong, where do you see "s" in this line: pawn Код: format(string,sizeof(string),PATH,playername); @VincentDunn: Yes it is, pawn Код: #define PATH "/Kasu...
Sorry for doublepost, but i wanted to say that it's working on my other GM, why it doesn't do that here?
I have this TextDraw bottom of the screen and i want it to be on the right side of the screen.
Sorry for doubleposting, but i need it fast.
But if the player is in the race and reconnects, then they can tele to him, so you must save the variable.
Okay, i want to do something under this: pawn Код: public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate){  if(newstate == 2) It must detect, if player's engine is not running, and say "/engin...