Search Results
Oh yeah that's possible Those will be really helpful to achieve it.
143 Then you want to subtract the right coordinate and experiment a bit until you found the correct spot. An example pawn Код: GetVehiclePos(veh...
This could be simply pawn Код: new rand = random(60000);SetTimerEx("Action" , rand , false, "i", playerid);
If you are fairly unrelative with programming it would be really hard for you to start learning Pawn so what I recommend you is start learning another language ( Java is one of the easiests ). Now you...
Increasing Memory Usage won't solve your problem. Sounds like a gamemode or connection problem. Gamemode Case. If you overload gamemode with actions to load a ton of objects and vehicles it would cau...
I think MTA Map Editor would be much faster for that but still you would had to move them 1 by 1 then place them correctly which would require similar effort.
Honestly I dont find a point of this tutorial. You've made a whole tutorial for such a basic thing which requires no effort to learn from the wiki.
This is not the right place to ask for a gamemode. Search for your desired gamemode in Gamemodes Release Section.
If you would like to use my old version here Vehicle Control After some great response from the previous version I decided to rewrite the include...
Actually I'm pretty sure I've seen someone having such characters or if similar in the game.
So I was basically wondering if it's possible to print a unicode character in the game. Specifically I would like to use this Full Block Character ( â–ˆ ). I've already tried to add it in game but it ...
Your best bet is making a ticket to the company.
Quote: Originally Posted by Stylock Do you use any programs/tools to test your queries? I'd recommend SQLite Manager (Firefox addon). Thank you so much, With the SQLite Manager I recrea...
Thanks for replying. Although I'm pretty sure all the variables used to get from db_get_field_assoc have a defined value. Here take a look. Creating the table pawn Код: db_query(Database, "CREAT...
After your making your db_query to load the player's values. ( "SELECT * FROM" etc ). Make sure to print the query so you can see if the whole query gets executed. If the query stops at some point lik...
I've got a problem while trying to read values using db_get_field_assoc. It keeps crashing the server. Here's the problem code pawn Код: if(db_num_rows(Result)) {        new PickedSkin[100];Â...
Quote: Originally Posted by Stylock I can tell you that mysql log has nothing to do with SQLite. But I won't be helping any further unless you educate yourself on password hashing. Pass...
Quote: Originally Posted by Misiur Check your mysql_log.txt in server folder. Also, if you want to insert using all fields except id, you don't have to list them all. You can do something ...
So uhm perhaps, is there a way to print/view an SQL Log when it attempts to create a table, insert values etc so I can find if any issues or errors are visible?
Quote: Originally Posted by Sascha numeric values are not written in '... Код: '%s', '%s', 4000, -1, 0, 0, etc. Fixed that but apparently that was not the problem. Anyone has any ...