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I'll explain the bug first. I have a phone system, you can call and text other people. The problem is now, when I call someone, and afterwards the other hangs up, all messages that will be said after ...
Quote: Originally Posted by DaRoderick So, for example, you suggest that when a player chooses a colour, he doesn't do pawn Код: PlayerInfo[playerid][pIconColour] = 0xE85A7AFF; but ...
So, for example, you suggest that when a player chooses a colour, he doesn't do pawn Код: PlayerInfo[playerid][pIconColour] = 0xE85A7AFF; but pawn Код: PlayerInfo[playerid][pIconColour] =...
Thanks for the help. Still, it doesn't work. Now the playericon appears as Код: pIconColour=92247295 In the player's file. On load char; pawn Код: format(PlayerInfo[playerid][pIconColour], ...
Yes, but that will still not fix my problem hehe.
No, should be player color, not marker only. And that spawn color thing doesn't really help since there're no variables used there.
So, when a player sets his colour, this happens: pawn Код: PlayerInfo[playerid][pIconColour] = 0xE85A7AFF; Now the colour works and is viewable on the map perfectly. Then, it gets saved on disc...
So uh, I added something to my testing script, then I removed it. Now when I load my testing script nothing works; I get the sa-mp default error message when I type a command. When I type something in...
Anyone an idea about this? Why doesn't it show properly?
pawn Код: if(dialogid == 1803)    {        new file[64];        format(file, sizeof(file), "users/%s.ini", RPNU(playerid));        new string[256];        if(listitem == 0)    ...
enum just says enum pNameCol pChat as variable now
[pNameCol] and [pChat] include hex code variables as {FFFFFF}. Also, tried it with %s and doesn't work.
Hi. I made this chat system: pawn Код: new textstring[128 + MAX_PLAYER_NAME + 128];    format(textstring,sizeof(textstring),"%d%d%s%s(%d) | %d%s",Colour[playerid][pNameCol],Tag1[playerid][pTag1...
Simple: pawn Код: if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBank] > 1000)) Can't find anything about how to make the > (bigger than) and < (smaller then) things.
On loading; pawn Код: PlayerInfo[playerid][pChat] = dini_Get(file, "pChat");PlayerInfo[playerid][pNameCol] = dini_Get(file, "pNameCol"); these errors Код: array sizes do not match, or desti...
Alright, now the saving works but not the loading. So for the loading not pawn Код: PlayerInfo[playerid][pNameCol] = dini_Int(file, "pNameCol"); but pawn Код: PlayerInfo[playerid][pNameCol]...
Sorry, I have no idea what you're saying right now.
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