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Quote: So basically the object is following you? Is it smooth when you move? I think it may cause lagg if many players does /holder ? yes, the object follows player, but if he is ...
How much can I create player objects per player? Without normal objects. I want use this to write objects streamer.
no, it isn't possible. UsePlayerPedAnims can be executed only in OnGameModeInit.
Quote: Originally Posted by MenaceX^ How do you estimate his "strong"? I have exactly this problem. You can not calculate the height from the surface of the Earth, you can not calculate...
I want to write a script that shows the points of stunt and rewards player for this. So, according to what is to count them? I've founded some script, but I can't download it.
I have quite a strange question. How can I write a stunt counter testing as strong a player has performed the stunt
To wait, why not? Could it comes to you is that as I'll give it OnPlayerConnect, by the time the player will see longer Vinewood? In contrast to GetPlayerMoney to the same scripts, so it will not cha...
Hey! Excuse me, if you do not understand what I mean. I have programmed zBomb filterscript. With this you can drop bombs. :P The script is secure. If a player dropped bomb and another dropped too, th...
Maybe removing unusefull map isn't possible, but this ss is from Awesome Stuntages server and why I can't see vehicle grey icon?
If you will use command what saves vehicle in dini, it overwrite, what have you saved previously My command looks like this Code: if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/save",true, 5)==0) { new Float:Pos[3]; new Floa...
Hey. I have two suggestions for SA: MP. 1. Why do I sometimes spawned vehicles in the parking lot facing the street? 2. Why are the icons on the map hairdressers, salon tattoo and the stadium? How to...
Don Corelli, I haven't remember to define Float:a. Quote: if (strcmp(cmd, "/roadblock", true) == 0) { new Float, Float:y, Float:z, Float:a; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); GetPlayerFa...
Should be as follows: CreateObject(969,829.5439,-1439.6895,13.4746,89.1920,0,0); // FBIgate (modelid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ)
I think that the command should look like this: Код: if (strcmp(cmd, "/roadblock", true) == 0) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:a; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); GetPlayerFacingAngle(p...
The function should look like this: Код: IsACopCar(vehicleid) { switch(GetVehicleModel(vehicleid)) { case 596..599, 427: { return 1; } return 0; } } Quote: if(IsACopCar(...
Add this to end of command (no OnPlayerCommandText). Код: return 1; So the commands are: Код: if (strcmp("/afk", cmdtext, true, 4) == 0) { new str[256], pname[256]; GetPlayerName(playe...