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Полезная функция! Спасибо автору!
Great include that does what you want:
Not bad editing at all, good job .
Maybe make it so that if the player comes near the bomb's X,Y,Z it starts and timer and explodes around the bomb?
Maybe create a timer and make different explosions in a couple of different coordinates?
Yeah I understand what you mean im thinking of a fire system aspect where the fire object would automatically start a timer once the player begins aiming at it and removes it self after a couple of se...
Hello, Is there a way to detect if the player is aiming at an object? I've seen things like onplayeraimatplayer or onplayershootplayer but is there a onplayeraimatobject or shootatobject? Thanks
Like have you seen those scripts where the person types something like: /createhouse and it creates a new file in scriptfiles and saves the coords of the house and then loads the coords and creates a ...
Yea but what if file1, file2, file3 are already created? How can it make a file4 without me having to add file4 in the .pwn?
What if I save each coord in a different file, how would I load that specific coord from that file?
I use yini as my saving and loading system .
Hello, I want to make it so that everytime I use a command a new set of coords is created and saved in a file, but my question is how can I make my script know to differentiate between two different s...
Do they accept credit cards? Or only paypal? Thanks.
So you guys think is the best website to host a SAMP server? Is it reliable and so if I want to run a 50-60 player server I would need about 1GB Ram and how much bandwidth? Also can you g...
What is the recommended RAM and Bandwidth for a SAMP server?
What is the best VPS for running a SAMP server?
How would I be able to make it so when someone drops a object it saves the coords so he can pick it up again? Example: Spike strips, thanks.
Just change the X,Y,Z to coords you want the fire to spawn in and you should be set, make sure to change the timer's name.
Add this before the tutorial: pawn Код: TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 1); It removes it, but make sure you add this after the tutorial: pawn Код: TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 0);