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Is there a plugin or script for Controllable NPC's that actually work? What i need is for them to be killable and that they can also kill you. If any one can give me this then it'll be highly apprecia...
I've seen some servers that EDIT the cash textdraw thing. They set it to like euros or something like that.
Wait, I said I was 10 when I started scripting. I was 9
If you want this command to be for all VIP members, then you want to use this: Kick(playerid); (I think)
Quote: Originally Posted by Rizard I think I can, is it possible that you have more then one server folder? try to go in your current server folder, goto pawno folder and open pawno.exe an...
Well, I've just tried and it comes up with the following error: pawn Код: fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "dutils" Before you all go saying that I have to add the into my inclu...
Quote: Originally Posted by dimonml SampStunta, try download another gta_sa.exe from Internet. Did this twice.
-.- I have the right version and with no mods.
Quote: Originally Posted by saiberfun you looked at the year of it?^^ it says: LC(and 2 characters which I can't define) 2004 dunno but that makes me feel like it won't be niko in SA ...
Do you use an Object Streamer? Because sometimes you lagg or crash from not using one.
Well I'm having some problems with GTA U:MP for some reason? It just says this: "An error occurred during loading U1-MP. Exiting Can't determine gta_sa.exe version. Supported only GTA:SA v1.00 US/EU ...
Contact a Moderator, Jernejl or Kye. Beta Testers are just testers.
Either look at the Gamemode Releases or you'll have to pay or get a shit scripter for free
Nice, looks pretty clean. I may even use this for my stunt server coming up
Probably, but now it's getting some people to actually play it now. Over the year, we've gained more people here and whoever I tell United about, they get amazed. I'm also thinking about opening a GTA...
@justsomeguy We use to have a section in this forum for United. It was also a lot better. It doesn't matter if the forum has to grow a bit bigger, it means it gets better.
I don't know what you guys think, but I think we should have the GTA:United area in the forums again? It would be a whole lot funner and better if we did again.
Also, next tune put this topic in the 0.3c Scripting Area
I could gel but I'm not in Europe...