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Hello, i want to send a message to SendClientMessageToAll which displays total amount of money all players own. Mysql SUM() function? Table : players row: cash
Hi, my server is hosted at ovh and i get emails, that server is under attack. Server gets laggy. I do know that they ddos server using those web pages where you enter server ip and port and just press...
Any idea's on how to see witch parts of the gamemode ar those witch takes most of resources and makes server laggy? Any plugins/includes? Timers are very unnacurate and players being disconnected from...
75k line server started to get laggy. ~10 players at random time get's connection lost. Timer's and other things ar delayed . If i set timer at 10000ms it takes maybe 1000ms extra to execute timer. ...
last update messed up. When trying to compile i get lot's of "shadows variable at...". Every f.....g variable get's this warning.
1) is it possible to create cmd to remove healthbar ? 2) How to reduce damage for SPAZ ? Tryed pawn Code: SetWeaponDamage(        27,        DAMAGE_TYPE_STATIC,        13.5    ); B...
not working, still have some objects that are not created
I updated incognito streamer and now some objects are not being created.. // walls objects is not created while // roof objects are created. It's only with textured objects. What's the problem? p...
Quote: Originally Posted by Charalambos26 Does this take Slots? yes
i use centos 6 [18:30:37] Loaded. [18:30:37] Loading plugin: [18:30:37] Loaded. [18:30:44] ID 6 is attempting to connect to the server [IP:] [18:30:44]...
Server is being flooded by 3 different ip adresses in one second.. None of ip adresses repeats. Which does that any other players can't connect to server with a message server is full. Any suggestions...
I want to get players rank by score from mysql. example: John 5, Jones 4 Ant function would return John as #1. Tryed: pawn Код: stock GetPlayerMYSQLrank(playerid){    new str[20], Query[150]...
I don't know if it may be limit related, but 3d labels started to dissapear or latter not appear at all. For 3d label creating i use only streamer. Creating label: pawn Код: new Text3D:Taxi[MAX_...
Is it possible to get players rank by Score direct from database? I mean sql function that would return 2 ID rank as #1, 1 ID rank as #2... example: GetIDrank(2); would return 1; example1: GetIDrank...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kaliber Or make it like this: Код: public OnPlayerCommandReceived(playerid, cmdtext[]) { new cmd[32],pos=strfind(cmdtext," "); strmid(cmd,cmdtext,0...
Quote: Originally Posted by CalvinC Just put that in your /pm and /a command in the top. But using return 0 will make the command not succeed, giving the "Unknown command" message. You can...
I wan't to let players using /pm [text], /a [text] cmds while they are in jail(Info[playerid][Jailed]==1). How can i do that? pawn Код: public OnPlayerCommandReceived(playerid, cmdtext[]){    i...
I have a problem with dissapearing objects, but only with those which are created ingame (not with those wich are created on OnModeInit). If i create any object with cmd it dissapears after a short ti...