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I have the error fixed! I have one) hingemacht, although not dahingehцrt has "House info [idx] [hLevel ]),"! Ps: Godfather!
Hi, I have tried to homes to make virtual worlds. But when I "OnPropupdate" this was purely done, "Houseinfo[idx] [hVir]);" I got the following error's: Код: new coordsstring[256]; format...
Well.. When i join the Server, my gta crash, because the cars load.
Hi, i have an big Problem... I take the Carsystem from the Larp Script... But now i have a Problem.. This Problem: When i type /car park then my Server crash Pl...
Hi, had a few days ago a long while and have mal'n made simple countdown .. Add / countdown and starts a countdown for each server in the ... It starts from 5 and ends at 0 ^^ On request I can also ...