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That wouldn't compile, let alone work. It's print(""); not print "" And as I said, the problem is found in this seemingly-harmless line: Код: Vehicles[idCounter][MODELID] != 9999
Quote: Originally Posted by .:NoZer0:. If it compiles at your friend correctly re download pawno. Nah, what I just posted compiles fine but gives an INVALID COMMAND error when used.
Код: if (!strcmp("/spawnveh", cmd, true)){ if(!strlen(var1) || !strlen(var2) || !strlen(var3)){ SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"USAGE: /spawnveh [id][color1][color2]"); } else{ ...
Код: NewEnter(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, universeID, Float:newX, Float:newY, Float:newZ){ idCounter = 0; while(EnterSigns[idCounter][UNIVERSEID] != 9999 && idCounter != MAXENTE...
It stands for 'modulus'. Basically the number loops back to zero once it hits that number; that test is testing whether the answer is more than 0, meaning, in pseudo-code: if(a is not a multiple of b...
Quote: Originally Posted by monster010 Код: //----------------------------------[websitename]------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(strcmp(...
We really need to see the script that lies around line 23101 to be able to help.
Quote: Originally Posted by Abernethy Lmfao, nice one. You're just gifted for adding the facing angle I haz talent like dem guyz over dere yeh? Damn you for mocking me! Curse you to...
And for extra points... pawn Код: public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]){ if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/lsairport", true) == 0) {   SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1708.5780,1606.8759,10.0156);   Se...
iTails: Код: public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/lvairport", true)==0) { new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); new State = GetPlayerState(playerid); i...
There were actually two problems. Originally I was using an array rather than an enum, which gave me a tag mismatch that messed up the location of the icon because it was an entirely int array rather ...
Main Code: Код: new idCounter = 0; enum Enters { PICKUPID, Float:ENTERX, Float:ENTERY, Float:ENTERZ, UNIVERSEID, Float:INTX, Float:INTY, Float:INTZ, }; new EnterSigns[256][Enters]; NewE...