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no ... do I have to do that after each animation ? .. also if it's no more played ?
Thank you, but it doesn't made a difference EDIT: The Animations work if I enter the Commands, which play this animations, twice. But it does not play the animations, if I add the applyanimation-fun...
I did not add the forcesync-parameter .. the forcesync- parameter is the 10th... Tell me if i'm wrong Bearfist
The following animation does not appear ... Код: ApplyAnimation(playerid,"SMOKING","M_smk_in",4.0,1,1,1,0,20000); There's no code error... Greetings, Bearfist
thanks it worked =), but only in that way that a textdraw which wasn't shown before is now shown ... The Textdraws doesn't seem to be reached ... is there anything wrong before the textdraws, that th...
The following Code shouldn't be right at one part I can't detect ... Код: public BestPlayerTimer() { new LastBestPlayer; for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { for(new j = 0; j < MAX_PLAYER...
What ? ... are they normally invincible or whats the matter ?!
Very funny ... But I would use OnPlayerKeyStateChange for that
Yeah ... but it's very complicated ...
Please read before replying ... i have nobody to play with because i am alone at home and others don't play samp ...
Oh .. you're right ... i changed it ...
no .. that isn't necessary i think ^^ because it's activated by an command
Hi, the reason that i'm asking is, that iam alone at home and i can't test it with other players =( so here is the code ... I put that code out of an command which teleports a player to a deathmatch ...
Yeah I know that function .... But I don't know how to disable when they are in an Deathmatch and how to enable the markers when they aren't in an deathmatch
I now that function but i am sure how to use that function exactly to do that ...
Hi everyone. Iam trying to disable that the players in a Deatchmatch see each other on the radar and after that Deathmatch, they see each other. But I don't now how exactly. Could someone help me ?
Alright better explanation xD ... you always have an Interior .. i presume you mean if your Interior isn't 0 .. because your interior is 0 when you aren't in any house or room . you could use this fu...
which damage on interiors ? .. there isn't a damage on an interior =O